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    line co's have saw how good some of these short lines have worked . they don't want any more of that shit goin on . what a joke , you farmers that are close should start a riot . govt's letting this happen should be backhanded


      Hundreds of perfectly good, upgraded, computerized wooden elevators were smashed and burned! Made me sick to see/hear of all of them. Rural prairies ruined, just for BIG BUSINESS to profit.


        That elevator looks exactly like the one Agricore just tore down in Grande Prairie. Took the wrecking ball 3 weeks to smash er up...she put up a heck of a fight.

        Grain co's really hate competition.


          12% commercial storage capacity in Canada and we're tearing em down.
          Oughta be a law.

          Grain company sniffing around again here to build another one. Tried 15 yrs ago and quit. They're trying again with some geotech work. But judging by the way theyre treating the landowner theyll bugger off again.


            Blackpowder, I was going to say the same thing that tearing it down should be against the law. Unless there is something seriously wrong with it. Why is it at one time someone thought it was a good place to build a terminal, whats changed? And whats with the "dog in the manger" attitude of the present owner. If the Competition Bureau steps in when other deals and consolidation took place why can't they now to salvage this structure and force a sale to someone who wants to operate it. I realize its not quite the same scenario but.....


              What a shame if that concrete elevator in Hodgeville is knocked over.


                I guess the whole thing may be hinging on Canada's illustrious rail service and the fact there won't be any.

                I've farmed long enough to see some of the new old wooden elevators with steel annexes built and old decrepit ones(and some not so bad) demolished. Has it come to the point that concretes are now going to be demolished? It hardly makes sense to me.


                  And finally here is the kicker.

                  Everyone remembers when BHP was going to buy potash Corp.

                  Government stepped in and said it's a strategic resource.

                  Where are the chest pounders now?


                    do you have an mp and mla there ? maybe they could show a little interest in this multi billion dollar industry ????


                      It's kind of like Regina water. All the high paid engineers and scientists coupled with the highest water rates around ( was $85 for three months - now $110 per month) and they haven't figured out that stagnant water turns to algae. One year of no run- off and, "OMG, our water is green".


                        The regina water issues to beat the drum for a pipeline out of lake diefenbaker.



                          Both my mla and mp are looking for board seats . They don't give a **** or cp wouldn't be ripping the track out as we speak.

                          Even their staffers are not that bright. As taxpayers they themselves should be outraged.

                          I was asked from the provincial ag minister staffer .. " how many railcars were sent down that line...."

                          To which I replied that I thought it was more important to look at how much grain is going down the provincial highway system that they can't keep up.

                          Being forced to move grain via truck doesn't make the stats right.


                            oh, now I get it. A pipeline from Diefenbaker, logical. It would serve the proposed mines. No bands between here and Outlook. Might work.


                              well our shortline is an absolute success story. I think even CN likes it ! saves them a bunch of grunt work. you should get media out there and show em the highways ! get your mla , mp on camera too. get them to explain themselves on tv. this shit needs to stop, NOW


                                get a bunch of farmers , park a bunch of equipment on the line , that'll get the media out , then your useless reps will have nowhere to hide . don't piss around , once it's gone it's gone FOREVER


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