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Alberta Election Predictions

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    Alberta Election Predictions

    Well we have seen the Alberta leadership debate.

    Premier Prentice is untrusted... and proved to be as slick as a highway with a half an inch of freezing rain at minus 10.

    We are in uncharted territory... and election night May 5 promises to change the political landscape in Alberta!

    Wildrose Brian did what had to be done to hold their base. No Miracle. Not disappointed either.

    Will Ms Notley team up with Prentice... or Brian Jean?

    What interesting times!

    conservatives will win and nothing will change.


      Listening to the NDP made me shiver. What a potential disaster.


        cons win along with their puppet masters, big oil, and the Alberta residents lose
        Peter Lougheed is loosing sleep these days as he looks down and sees how the oil companies have been allowed to take complete control


          I agree with tweety, unfortunately no change is still the most likely outcome.


            An ndp win in alberta would guarantee harper a majority.

            If it stays conservative the federal conservatives may be in trouble.


              My shot (likely at my peril).

              NDP - 15 to 20. Redmonton plus whatever can be picked up in Calgary and Lethbridge.

              WR - 15 to 20 but not a strong feeling - rural population on here will know better. Potentially hold current base.

              Liberals - under 3 versus 5 today. Base will float to NDP.

              Conservatives - 50 ish.

              Actually a big shot in the dark. Final results will reflect who can vote out. Apathetic conservatives supporters versus confirmed members other parties/angry voters.


                Actually the other group is millenials. Baby boomers vote. 20 somethings no. For anyone with kids or grand kids, a good opportunity to encourage them to participate. Their opinion counts/is important.


                  I predict that the NDP will do well and hopefully have status as Official Opposition...OR BETTER.

                  If the CONS win again and it is quite possible, then their numbers will be reduced to indicate dissatisfaction with their 44 years of misguided rule.

                  I could quite easily accept Rachel Notley as Premier...a breath of fresh air...well needed to get rid of the stench of the Old-Boy's Club made up of oil-men and crooked carpetbaggers.


                    Can't predict how it will shake out. You know -"math is hard"!


                      vvalk Please explain makes you shiver. I am not questing your opinion But when you make a statement please explain. How could anyone be worse than what we have,diferent yes but not worse.


                        Charlie, I think your WR prediction is way too ambitious but the rest are possible.

                        Horse, I think it's fear of the boogieman that causes those on the extreme right wing to shiver. McCarthyism - reds under the bed and all that.

                        I'm not a socialist and have never voted NDP but I didn't find anything Notley said scary. Raising Corporate taxes from 10% to 11 or 12% would not destroy our economy as many of the corporations doing business here pay more than that in other jurisdictions they operate in.


                          It will be a very interesting election!

                          PC Alison Redford was a reasonable facsimile of a socialist...last time

                          THis time around... ...Ms ND Notley is a much nicer and gentler socialist... than Slick Oilman PC Prentice! PC will lose big with previous left political support.

                          Rural Alberta; for good reason would be well served by Wildrose Jean... Brian in person is a wonderful smart astute Familybusiness man. Down to earth and motivated to build a better Alberta!

                          Will the Progressive vote transfer to ND and Conservative to Wildrose?

                          Still 11 sleeps to go. ND Ms Notley Holds this election in her hands!!!

                          Vvalk... your Debate 'shivering' assessment is bang on for many in rural Alberta.

                          Will the shift to Wildrose bring a Mulroney/Iggy (150 down to 3 type)style PC?Lib collapse? Only time will tell!!!

                          From day one of this campaign... the early illegal (2016 scheduled) election call... exposes Slick PC Prentice to a massive risk in this direction!

                          The musings of a Killam Hunger Striker... day 54!!!


                            Just curious what is getting the Alberta farm community excited/passionate in this election. 2012 was land use legislation. I don't have a strong sense of any issue other than those that would resonate in the general/urban population. What are the differnet parties saying relative to agriculture that is unique/a different policy direction from today?


                              Dear Charlie,

                              Premier Jim has put out press releases saying PC will reverse land bills and protect property rights. I don't see anyone trusting what he says... it does not match his direction as leader... (many see him as a slick political opportunist)which is unlikely to motivate past supporters.

                              Door knocking in rural towns has shown a massive surge for Wildrose from the 2012 election results. Time will tell!

                              For those looking for a snowy drive to a political event Saturday:

                              Dave Hanson, Wildrose candidate for Lac La Biche - St.Paul - Two Hills, would like to invite you to meet Wildrose Leader Brian Jean.

                              Where: Sir Winston Churchill Provincial Park, Lac La Biche
                              When: Saturday, April 25 at 10:30am

                              If you don't know where Sir Winston Churchill Provincial Park is, please meet us at Squirrley's Gas Bar (10303 101 Avenue, Lac La Biche) at 10:00am and we can drive out together.

                              We look forward to having you join us to share in the excitement. For more information, please call Kathleen at 780-404-3920


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