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20 good reasons our children can be proud Canadians TODAY!

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    Your 100% right, Harper will not lose the election because of the CWB.

    Harper will lose his job as PM due to the fact that when someone takes on a job they are not qualified to do and they fail miserably at it they get canned. But, in Harper's case the voters of Canada will cast their well deserved vote elsewhere.

    Cheers for democracy!!


      BTW Sawfly,

      I was working on my 'list' from the thread about the federal election... this list was mine and mine alone...

      Even though we live in the land of Milk and Honey...
      You think me funny!

      Where exactly would you go... to find a better place to be Sawfly?

      Let us know when you do find your 'Hotel California'!

      Hope you Enjoy! Grin


        Did being a proud Canadian only become possible with the present PM? Sorry I find it harder to be proud given his style of politics. Not a progressive conservative rather a putinesque type'



          If you pulled a Snowden... I bet you could get in!


            Cotton you invite 100 billion worth of chinese immigrant investment. Makes the ballance sheet ballance. Now if my northern canoe routes are infested I am out of here.


              Being canadian.

              Let the mosquitos bite while fixing combine. If you dont scratch the itch will go away.

              We say eh multiple meanings

              We say sorry. Then sorry again for saying sorry.

              Oh and we have only one farmer to stand up to the railroads. Sums up Canada.


                Not really looking forward to voting. Didnt harper inherit the stay forever low interest rates? I mean It was in the cards before him. We had high Interest rates when corps and small business could pay for themselves in 3 years. And we had inflation. And money in the bank durring the liberal years was worthless in a few years. Now we are where we are. Immigrants bring money in. What would happen if they would leave?????


                  NOW NOW Hopper you know that's not true," there's one farmer fighting the railway's".
                  I'd say there are at least 2. Bucket has been on the Cpc and the railways for some time now. But don't worry I get your point!


                    Tipsy Hopper,

                    Others working on CNCP Too.


                      sadly the govt.
                      is not working on the railroads.
                      more like for the railroads

                      e mail. from P&H Bigger
                      trains cancelled next week
                      no hauling till further notice.

                      outstanding job Harper, first they never saw a problem for a year.
                      then ok maybe a little problem.
                      a fine never to be paid and all is good now.
                      Harpers economic stimulus program .
                      grain bags and bin sales


                        I am a proud Canadian... as well because our PM Harper has a wonderful sense of Humour!

                        Thanks PM Harper!


                          I listened to an interview on the radio with Danny Williams regarding the development of the oil off the Newfoundland coast. A meeting took place in a hotel room after the PM had given a speech at a convention where he received a standing ovation. In the hotel were the PM, the premier and their two chiefs of staff.After about 30 seconds into the discussion the socially conservative and religious PM told Danny Williams not to fu-- with his country and that he didn't f---ing need his province to win the next election! The two men were 6 inches apart. What a sense of humour! In a scuffle my money would have been on Mr. Williams. A lot of bullies are really cowards beneath the surface?


                            I was not there... If it was a audio recording of a "private" conversation... Could easily have been hacked to bully PM Harper.
                            Here say reported information is seldom fair or honest.
                            Let's work on nation building please.


                              This nation was built around railways last time round. Tom, what do you think we can concentrate on now to build a stronger nation?maybe a freight pipeline?


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