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CNCP let it be!

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    CNCP let it be!

    Down by the train tracks
    Staring at the ties
    Wondering why the grain cars
    Did not arrive

    We Farmers are told
    What we think are lies
    But our accounts on hold
    Tell us otherwise

    Property rights are old
    Your mind has failed
    The bill of rights being sold
    Is obsolete and stale

    Railway profits awash in gold
    Writs of executions to behold
    Railways have found the mother load
    Farmers are foolish you are told

    22,000 grain cars short
    26 ships waiting at anchor
    The grain isn't at port
    Farmers getting rankor

    Learn a great lesson
    The railways say
    Don't be a messin
    Get out of our way

    Send us your moneys
    It is plain to see
    farmers you dummy's
    Railways can't run for free!

    All rights reserved for grain farmers who are hurting
    Written on my way to Calgary today
    Hunger Striker poem 1 March 12



      The Long and Winding [rail] Road!


        Railways to grain farmers...
        'You Know it don't come easy' (Hauling our grain)(getting those grain cars to us!)


          Railway to grain growers... about our grain cars...


            (grain growers)...WE are HER... The Piper is the Railroad... the stairway to heaven...[grain ports]


              SORRY...That was supposed to have been...

              STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN!!! ABOVE!!!

              (grain growers)...WE are HER... The Piper is the Railroad... the stairway to heaven...[grain ports]


                AS grain farmers... and elevators disappear... and farmers lose in court to the Railways... The Railways have profit celebrations!!!

                ANOTHER ONE Bites the Dust!!!


                  Railroad CEO's to Railroad Shareholders... after announcing latest record PROFITS!!!

                  WE ARE THE C. H.. A... M... P... I... O... N... S!!!


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