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3M a mile X 200 miles = $600 M before cost overruns

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    3M a mile X 200 miles = $600 M before cost overruns

    That the math on the proposed Uplands (Trans Canada) pipeline between Williston and Moosomin.

    Unnecessary three mile jogs back and forth off the as Crow flies may be included; but in any event would add nearly an extra 9 million to the cost.

    That only for one deviation that is known.

    Also kinda explains Scoulars claim that the Northgate rail hub failed to line up even one suitor for the oil by rail component.

    There are town's and businesses totally asleep.

    Not even any interest when its obvious there are a full 20 miles of pipe will be crossing a whole municipality and within a stones throw of a "Scenic" town....yes thats 10% of the total lenght of the 600 million project....or a cool $60 million that doesnt seem to even warrant a passing comment in a 25 year District Plan.

    Maybe thats the problem; no one wants a pipeline; but its fine for a mile of oil rail cars to roll straight through .

    You mention these things and that as far as the connection goes. Certainly no reporting, information spreading or accountability though. Almost as though the plan is etched in stone; and surely someone knows and stands to profit.

    Is that right,pipelines are that expensive?


      Likely depends on go ahead for Trans Canada Energy East plan.
      Hope Quebec does not become like Nebraska in Keystone project.
      Uplands and Energy East should provide jobs and economic stimulus to south east Sask and all the way to destination as well as get a lot of oil off the rails.
      Perhaps could become part of Obama legacy.


        5.4 billion to 10 billion according to this.



          Hopper...the "Upland Pipeline" is an add on to the proposed Energy East Trans Canada venture. As the Financial Post article speculates; Keystone XL could very well reach the 10 billion cost.....

          But in addition Trans Canada appears ready to spend 600 million for 200 miles of separate pipe from US Bakken oil fields this side of Williston....to join into the Energy East line at the Moosomin "tank farm".


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