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    Looks like he is not as popular as he thought, as thousands protest outside Kremlin. Maybe we are in for some surprises for 2015. Wouldn't another Russian revolution stir things up. Russia needs real "C" change to enter the 21st century.

    The first rule of war is, "never underestimate your opponent". This applies to business, curling, martial arts, and everything else, including Vlad Putin. He's very smart, very tough, and as ruthless as he needs to be.


      Funny how we are so tight with the house of saud-one of the most despotic regimes in the world-team up with them,destroy our own oil industry hurt hundreds of thousands of our own families,mostly western canadian,to punish one of the most popular and influential leaders in the world(this is a fact). Not that i like him but this is crazy ****in stupid.


        Wouldn't lose any sleep over Putins abilities and popularity. I have relatives living in Moscow. Things are getting tough really tough but there is enough to eat and for basic living and they have seen tougher times. But Putin is the champion of the common people. With his iron grip on the military and his no nonsense ability to deal with the ultra rich he will survive and flourish again sooner than we may think.
        As i have said before his allegiance above all is to mother Russia and he will go to great lengths to preserve her.


          This is Exactly What The Globalists Want!!!!!!!! We are Living in The Midsts of World War III!!!!!!!! No Turning Back Now Folks!!!!!!!!!!


            Keep your finger off that button BTO! My bunker isn't ready yet.


              The war is financial and has been going on for years. Warriors are waking up and realising that they are simply pawns in this ****ed up chess game. Including warriors in the American Military. The gig is up and the banksters and their greed have been rooted out as the cause of this mess we called humanity. A new consciousness has been awakened and it is not only on a spiritual level. Turn off the ****ed up conventional media which is still one last lame attempt to control your thoughts and keep you in the dark. Putin declared war on the corrupt banking system that had infiltrated even his own mother Russia. He will go down in history as being the one who rooted them out once and for all. Does that make him a hero? Whatever you choose to believe. He is only part of a collectively conscious group that "got it" and chose to "do" something about it. People are finally winning over corporations and their lame excuses for existence.


                Limited internet so I'll be brief.
                Lots and lots of Russian families on vacation down here. No one that spoke English was to worried.
                Now as a Canadian all these French québécois are really starting to piss me off that are down here.
                Their, Pushy, rude, demanding bunch that expect every one that works here to listen to them and bend over backwards for them.
                Hey that's just like home.


                  Ruble down 42% this year. Saudi's still pumping out oil. Protests starting. We'll see how tough and smart Putin is. Dictatorships never last.


                    I believe someone on this thread has been abducted by the Church of Scientology.


                      Interesting sask3 has limit internet must drive him crazy haha. I also have no internet on these ski slopes I dont care. Even got stopped by the gestapos an hour ago. They told me do you know you have a warrante for your arrest in scratchand win? Yes does not surprise me. He let me off. Had liscence but could not present it. Was sober blew 0. They were looking for drinkers. So is obamas reduced military bill doing something here. Dont know. One minute they are screwed another they are sitting pretty. Ok opinions opinions. Dam I have internet. Someone should take it away from me.


                        If things get ugly in Russia will Putin bomb the Saudis for not slowing down their production??
                        Iran is another country with nukes that we will have to watch.

                        It will be interesting to see which country breaks first with the sub $60 oil.


                          As soon as you become a leader of a nation, you can't afford to stand on your own ground because of the diversity. Therefore as an individual leading a nation your values or beliefs don't mean shit. Regardless of Putin's personal agenda, the rest of the world won't see it and it threatens nobody. Public leaders in this day and age are puppets.
                          Best way to read into the minds of the decision makers is to follow the bread crumbs.


                            Puppets in the culture of those who believe in the pyramid scam led by the western bankers? Hell ya. Does Putin's belief have influence due to his personal quest to figure these con artists out? Hell ya.

                            Just wondering who rockpile feels that he or she has figured out. Some dude or dudete on here who has been abducted? Abducted is the word for every single person on this thread. Most have been abducted by the conventional media machine, owned by the elitist who know they have little to do but watch, suggesting and directing thought.

                            Chinese astrology is suggesting that 2015 is the year of the sheep. I think that the sheep are waking up from the sheeple they have been for years now. Understanding their own personal power to create and set this world straight, as long as that creation is not centered on self and ultimately good for everyone and everything.

                            Scientology -- HMMM sounds like another ego generated, human worship bullshit story like every other religion on this planet.


                              No hopper kind of enjoying my down time and no internet some days.


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