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Merry Christmas to Everyone

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    Merry Christmas to Everyone

    Just finishing up final activities before I get away for the Christmas holidays. I would like to wish all my Agriville friends a special time with family and friends over Christmas holidays and a healthy/properous 2015. Hopefully everyone can leave daily grind behind for next 10 days and simply live in the moment to enjoy what we have/those around us.

    Merry Christmas to u and yours Charlie. Thank u for another year of your interesting points of view.


      Ty Charlie: and the same to you and yours. Merry Xmas to everybody else and all the beat in the New Year


        Merry Christmas to you Charlie and AV ers.
        It is and interesting forum with good insight, and sometimes marketing too! It's appreciated.


          Thank you Charlie and so thoughtful. Many good riding days in 2015 to you! And Saskfarmer, wherever you are, may a drought come your way to dry out the wet spots. And Cotton, may you turn over your pillow and find a brick of gold underneath. Grassfarmer et al, may the NFU finally get a spot at the table, any table. And Gustgd, may 2015 finally bring you a fully paid member for the WCWGA. Parsley, may you find yourself on the cover of Harrow Smith. RK, may some one finally take you seriously in 2015. Tom, may you finally get your Senate seat you've worked so hard for. Klause, might you find time in the New Year to make babies - you work too hard and embarrass us all. Finally, Charlie, Errol,,Joe et al, may 2015 be the year when they line up all of the economists in the world and they reach a conclusion.
          MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE, and may 2015 be the year of your dreams!!!


            Merry Christmas agriville readers!


              Thanks to all posters at Agriville, I find good discussions here and enjoy the different views, which I believe are honest thoughts. Also thanks to the providers and moderators of this forum.
              Merry Christmas and the best in the New Year.


                Sitting back thinking of 2014 and really glad the weather pattern seems to be changing, virtually very little snow so far.

                May all your days be filled with peace happiness and Joy.
                Family is Number one in my books!
                Then Good friends!
                Then farming and fellow farmers!
                So to one and all!

                Merry Christmas
                and a
                Happy New Year!

                All the Best in 2015

                Now where is the Rum punch!!!!!!!!!!!

                Feliz Navidad y un feliz año Nuevo!


                  Merry Christmas to one and all! Enjoy the company of family and friends. And don't forget the reason for the season.


                    Merry Christmas to all the posters here at AV. Best wishes for fine weather and good prices in '15.

                    For those that read and don't post, why not join in next year, it's painless, make it one of your resolutions. Bring your marketing thoughts and opinions, add to the conversation.

                    Thanks charliep for bring to this site, all that you do, also errol and John D.

                    SF3, cottonpicken, please keep on writing and linking.

                    Happy New Year to all.


                      Merry Christmas to everyone. Best wishes for all in the New Year. Above all I hope everyone is kept safe in the New Year and always!


                        merry xmas to you all agriville family
                        From south of the border.


                          Merry Christmas to each and every AV'er. We have gotten to know each other over the years, haven't we, and have become virtual neighbours. Your'e fine neighbours to have.

                          Fine a quiet corner during the busy season and reflect upon how lucky we are. Take the time to send Christmas greetings to the people in your life who are important to you. Best wishes for 2015, With a warm heart, Parsley


                            Thanks Charlie for your persistance with us!

                            Merry Christmas to everyone and here is to a great and blessed 2015!



                              As all above, Ditto!


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