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Well what a run! We got to 50% done!

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    Well what a run! We got to 50% done!

    As we finished up the Barley swaths late last night and watched the rain start its a good feeling to get to half done mark. But sadly we are entering October on the Prairies where the weather can be 30 C. One day and -10 the next. You can have snow, Hail Wind or a combination of all in one 24hr period. The last half this year will be a challenge.
    Guys with dryers will be able to go sooner. Canola will be able to go sooner, swaths still on the ground if the 2 inches arrive today will take days to dry out.
    For the east part of Sask and Manitoba this is the new norm.
    Good luck guys lets hope the rain heads to Ontario and Down to the USA since their blessed with not problems.
    So the Billion Dollar Question on a Crop that's worth $1.99 how far along on harvest are you and your area. Did you miss every rain in Sept or were you hit by rain then sun for two then rain.
    30 days till the snow fly's that's a quarter a day, only need 10 theirs still lots of time but mother nature can F$%k up the best plans.

    Maybe you should down size and you would be done?


      No Comment you just don't get farming do you. Its not Snow Plant into dry ground, rain, spray, sun, rain in July and end just before harvest with no rain light winds no dew then Phoenix Arizona all winter.



        It's not? Well WTF. ?

        Sat all day yesterday it wouldn't get below 17.5 moisture.

        No one is buying or taking delivery of wheat let alone tough wheat.


          Most are any where from just starting to maybe just over half. East Sask and Manitoba have not had ideal weather.


            There are quite a few quarter and half section farmers who have finished harvesting. And it was just as wet on their farms as almost anywhere else.


              Not in our area even the section guy is still grinding! Get out of your basement and see the real world! Your wet ha first year rookie!


                Took a quick look at the inland terminal price board yeaterday.

                Several blank spaces on board of "no price quote available". Suspect rest of prices were all for no "vomi" but no sense asking as even if they weren't I don't know many who would break even at those prices. One would think this should be when grain should be moving at this time of year...wouldn't one think so? And no, the combines weren't rolling.

                Anyway; the place looked dead; no train in sight; and dark offices meant no need to turn lights on.


                  I am at 20%. Area is maybe 50%. I lost 4 days to combine issues last week. Yes, 4 days. The nicest week in the history of late September. The good news is the crops are yielding very well. The bad news is the forecast sucks. More good news is I have swathed canola and the rest is standing. (the great old swath/stand debate rages on!!) I have seen many good Octobers for harvest, but it is nerve wracking.

                  And yest SF3, aside from last week, it was raining here every other day or more, therefore some of us simply can not help being behind. And some of us do not have 17 men and 93 combines per acre. lol!


                    oneoff, there are quite a few 5000-7000 ac guys done here- and very few less than 1000 ac guys 1/2 done - your point is useless.
                    The 12000 club well most are 75%.


                      Nah! If I had a point it would be whether 5000 acres or 10,000 acres or maybe 1280 acres should be enogh for one farmer to make a living.

                      My point would be....take a look at your recent RM map and count the relatively few different corp nammes and landowners.

                      I'd ask those taxpayers "where do you intend to see this ending?". Can you count on every day of a month to be a 24 hour harvest day. Can you stand the stress (year after year) of what Mother Nature is liable to visit upon your operation?

                      I do detect the defensiveness in the tone of talk from larger operators and note the labor sources upon which many depend.

                      There are some major fundamental problems; and no intention to make any major changes.


                        One off you really don't get it do you! In the 3 RMs I farm in wtf are you talking about! Mom and pop operations old farms and now done kids from city buying land! Yes we have gas buddy and now Ontario teachers pension fund owning 70 quarters! Who cares! Size doesn't matter it's how well you handle your farm! Yes the guy seeding end of June ok that's pathetic but the rest around here farm and do it good! It's October not mid November! We all have a plan and in east sask most are happy with shitty weather to be at half done! Oh your comment on small farms, the 100km drive out the 10 I know here is the stats.
                        2 at 80 acres left out of 4 quarters
                        3 one quarter done!
                        4 at half done
                        1 just started!
                        You are what's wrong with farmers ever winning at this game jealousy the companies will always win over us! Family farms are family farms, big or small it doesn't matter!


                          Guys...really?...telling a guy to downsize or just farm one quarter because of the weather? I am on the east side and not a large farmer by any means but we are in the same boat at 50%. The weather has been shit here too with every rain, fog possible hitting our acres. Come out for a drive and you will see a shit load of crop out on large and small farms.


                            You do realize that you are inviting comment from everyone of those specific small farmers referred to. I'd be wary about them linking your knowing their specific parcels to their names; because you may well have them in mind for your next expansion. They may get offended.

                            It won't happen; but they might well point out that complaining about 5900 acres (plus or minus those drowned out) still to get to; means you have a ways to go too; and you obviously have more than enough for this year at least.. More than likely those persons
                            have as many aspirations to be in your shoes as you have to be in their situation.

                            And whether "rookie" or pioneer or cellar dweller or able to live in a penthouse is pretty immaterial.


                              50% here roughly too. More showers today. Wheat got to 16 yesterday so took some off. The big snow a few weeks back has just killed our harvest. Crops flat down to and below the furrows has forced us to swath everything. Took a grade and now the continued wet will take another most likely. Thankfully we have had a neighbour do a few acres for us, they got hailed out on 2/3 of their crop. Fun year..... Not.


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