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Canola worth in liters per diesel

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    Canola worth in liters per diesel

    What is a tonne of canola worth if it was crushed and made into diesel. Price of diesel is still pretty high

    I was thinking the same thing. Especially if much is lower grade or wet that may end up heated.

    Also what is the value of meal if used as fertilizer.
    Do a little google search looks like it maybe viable.


      80 cents a litre, if the meal was worthless


        Exactly right guys, and that is why low prices are healthy for demand. People will find ways to use low value product to fill in gaps in other areas. Rewind to 2007 remember cheap ag commodities lets make ethanol and bio diesel. I honestly don't mind letting the world get addicted to cheaper commodities for a few years it only helps us in the long run.


          You've gotta be joking? I sure as hell am waiting for the cheap diesel or fertilizer then.


            I have always thought burning excess grain is a great way to lower ending stocks.


              Whatever happened when Nick Parsons added straight canola oil to fuel tank on his tractor ? I remember hearing about his plans to try it but never heard how it went. I do remember "experts" warning that it would ruin his engine but that kind of sounded like bs to me.


                You used to be able to get kits to burn raw canola oil in old school mechanical diesels. All they did was heat the fuel to lower viscosity before injection. Many people claimed there were no issues.

                I'm no expert but I'd want de-glycerined oil (biodiesel) for newer high pressure fuel systems.


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