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Globe & Mail: CN Facing Fine For Failing To Move Enough Grain.

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    Globe & Mail: CN Facing Fine For Failing To Move Enough Grain.

    News posted today, here is the link.


    Without transparency who knows?


      What does the vessel lineup look like and what is the port space?


        What does the vessel lineup look like and what is the port space?


          What does the vessel lineup look like and what is the port space?


            What does the vessel lineup look like and what is the port space?


              Yes, yes, yes.
              Ships loaded, ships to be loaded, tonnes at port, tonnes at inland elevators. Would be handy figures to have wouldn't it?


                CN facing fines? GOOD!


                  Devils advocate. If mongeau is right . Then some grain companies got some explaining to do.

                  Explains the basis theft.


                    Wade Sobkowich wants the railways to be transparent.... yet the graincos dont have to report export sales commitments? Bucket your right. The govt really fckd up by not imposing reporting on behalf of the grain cos too. At the very least they need to report weekly grain purchases and weekly export sales.


                      Basically the government is to blame.

                      Public data from farmers but everyone else in the chain is under the cone of silence.

                      The cgc should have a weekly public report that is easy to find on port space, sales, grades, rail info, prairie info, etc. All in one easy to read report.

                      Usda does it. Then everyone debates it. But it provides benchmarks to work marketing plans from.

                      Not in Canada. Nope. Too ukranian I guess. Please don't take offense just listening to the news today with the ukranian president in Canada.


                        This fine should go to the grain companies. If their basis was humane over the summer they would have attracted all the wheat they wanted.


                          ....no sales????



                            The elevators are no where near empty... in todays world they only take grain they have... already sold up the driveway! We are still working on August wheat contracts here...

                            I think Mr. Railroad is trying to railroad you!!!


                              Bye the way... even the pits were full yesterday morning at our Killam elevator... Waiting for cars... Sat morning we hope!


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