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S N O W!

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    S N O W!

    Two reports on radio this morning and a few on Twitter saying wet snow is happening or on way today!
    I feel for any one who is hit! Flat wheat flows harvest, and creates so many problems !
    Hope we miss this!
    Ah harvest, soy will be dead Thursday here about a week to soon!
    Good luck to all!

    Ground is white with snow here this morning. forecast for -8 by wednesday.


      Same here, snowfall warning in effect for quite a few areas. Gotta love the AB climate.


        Is that just along the foothills or out in the cropland plains?


          Started raining in Edmonton yesterday afternoon. Turned to snow overnight. You can see a little white on the ground. Temperature around zero.



            Any early thoughts on yield/grade damage. My view from the highway in the Edmonton area is lots of canola swathed. Some cereal combining but most standing.


              I predict winter to arrive Oct 20 and stay. I really hope not though. I feel for everyone.


                1968 dad thinks was the year we had wet snow early had to combine one way with 55s and then empty back then go again had to get custom guys to help finish ! Bought first grain dryer from USA that year!




                    Was 21.5C yesterday, is 0C just now. At least 2" lying already and snowing hard. All the canola is swathed around here, some barley swathed, quite a bit combined already, neighbour just cut his alfalfa 2nd cut yesterday.
                    Like freewheat says about his sheep though - when you just have cows and grass life goes on unaffected by precipitation.


                      Well if it does snow and you feel depessed, go out a buy a new sled. That should perk you up.


                        Dam auto correct that should be depressed.


                          Really? Ask the guys in the eastern parts of the Prairies that lost large areas of their pasture and had the biggest challenge of their lives putting up feed when it rained every third day about life going on when you have only cattle and hay with too much precipitation.


                            That is so true farmaholic, a pasture under water to long is ruined. Lost around 25-30 percent like that in 2011 on a fifty acre cross fenced chunk. She is broke up now. Not much of a diet for cows when it is sow thistle, canada thistle, and fox tail. Sheep may do better on that though.


                              Over 5 inches and still snowing hard.

                              Farmaholic, I said cows and grass not cows and hay. For wet conditions there is silage.


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