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what is left standing immature

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    what is left standing immature

    Nocked down 80 percent of wheat so should help that. Most of canola should be down by tuesday night all by wed. Only slightly on green side cold weather may make up for it. Late peas still standing but rr on everything but one quarter. Expecting some damage. Start cutting it wed possibly. Not sure cause dont have exp with peas usually off a month ago. Moisture not expected to get much supposed to end monday morning. 5mm. See lots of green oats around. Shouldbhelp the flax harvest.

    Tue wed thur fri forcast low is 2 0 2 0. With highs of 7, 8, 9 10 not in that order monday to fri. Cooler highs should help against the lows.


      Just doing a little research before I dose off. So can do night shift canola swathing.
      Hudson bay tue to fri. 2 0 3 1 7
      Estevan. 4 2 2 0 3
      Yorkton. 3 1 2 -1 5
      Davidson. 2 1 1 0 4
      Shawnavon 0 0 -3 -1 1
      Lloyd. 1 -1 -3 2 3
      So looks like wide spread frost. Damage dependant on immature standing. I take it some of these areas in the west are most mature so less damage. Also for south. Most of the time. I try to look at the bright side of things but also know fromexp can often get 5 degrees under humboldts forecasts typically in the low greener patches. East of creek more damage than west.


        Looking forward to the friday crop report. Not neccessarily to all the bad news. Mallee are you affected by the aussie frosts? On the bright side this cold event is also the the time glyphosate controle is dramatically reduced And mine is mostly done that can be done. Only canola fields and a couple for planting seed not done. All fields to be gone over later yet. Cheap ins.


          Noticing cleaver in my rr canola fields dont have to look at anyone elses liberty or some of the thinner fields to know the infestation brewing. Some canola should have been glyphosated before swathing not sure why not done.


            Went out snd checked today 15 to 20 percent will have some issue either bran frost on hrs or lighter barley and oats soy their are seeds in pods so will have to combine! Needed one more week snd we would have been free! Our canola is almost all swath except. Strait cut l140p and one hailed out 100% regrow!


              I am findng it much easier to find the green wheat after its in the swath. Finding much more than when it was standing. Think did favor to cut it. Well have test fields now. But dont need them to know. Funny klause asked me if I think he should swaath his canola. Like he dont want to. Its at the correct swathing stage. Would rather take it straight. Big gamble...


                I am findng it much easier to find the green wheat after its in the swath. Finding much more than when it was standing. Think did favor to cut it. Well have test fields now. But dont need them to know. Funny klause asked me if I think he should swaath his canola. Like he dont want to. Its at the correct swathing stage. Would rather take it straight. Big gamble...


                  No... I asked because I thought about letting it stand another day so you could use our swather to keep cutting your wheat.

                  don't think we will get much frost tonight. Cloudy and D****rs getting wet already. What are you seeing over there


                    No... I asked because I thought about letting it stand another day so you could use our swather to keep cutting your wheat.

                    don't think we will get much frost tonight. Cloudy and D****rs getting wet already. What are you seeing over there


                      Agree the wetness will help. Now forcast is 0. Tomorrow another 0. Then better. I am heading to swather now. Not that wet yet but should be due flying everywhere soon. We may miss the frost.


                        Fingers crossed, Hopper!

                        3.5C out in your wheat field in front here. Dropped about 3/4s of a degree in the past 3 hours…


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