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How green should you cut Canola?

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    How green should you cut Canola?

    First year for Canola, need SOUND advice.

    IF you gotta swath, once all seeds are firm enough to roll between your fingers, go. If the seeds squish, you'll have considerable shrinkage.

    It will be enough shrink to make a man at the beach on a cool day proud.


      I did not get the man on beach joke guess maybe gotta be there :-). How I learned when young andndo to this day. You want a few pods shattering when you swath Possibly Iits just the diseased ones but preferibly no disease and a some shattering going on. Hot day is bad cool is better. Night time is better than day even if there is no shattering. Swath before frost even on the early side. Too green will take longer to cure. If swathed at correct time 8 days may be sufficient.
      But I would not like to bin it. Good for delivery though. I am honest.:-) hot weather hold on cool weather jump ahead. Check for pod shatter and things can ripen very fast. Did lots of night swathing. But let it ripen. Swath before frost.



        Different varieties have colour changes on the outside... so checking the seeds is the true test. Swathing at night and morning gives the least shatter if disease prematurely ripens some plants.

        The main Canola stem should have some seed colour change on at least 50 percent in these seeds in the bottom pods... average of plants. Side branches seeds will be green yet in many instances... but at least should be firm when you roll these seeds between your fingers. If rainy cool weather is forecast for a week into the future... they will fill out nicely.

        Try to make a smooth even swath... with stems underneath and pods on top. Best to keep the reel up out of the canola as much as possible.

        I have found going at a 90 degree sideways makes tough feeding off the dividers... so East West has been the direction this year on our crops. Going east Canola is laying away from the table but flips up and on in an orderly manner. Going west the cut is all leaning into the header... and the reel isn't needed to make it feed... if you have good dividers. With right reel and d****r speeds... 7-8mph can work if all is going well!

        Good swathing! A smooth swath makes easy combining and fast dry down after showers!


          Wow first year SDG, 44 years on this farm, what has been your Cinderella crop/animal/mineral? This area is 50% canola, like most of AB.


            Depends on forecast as others said. But look at the seeds, not the plant color. It is different every year. I have a pretty green field that will get cut the moment frost is forecast, even if it is "too early". A few days in the swath does help before a frost, no doubt.


              We have been Lentil, Canaryseed, non-board wheat since 1980. Newly-purchased land (2006) became Mustard/American Wheat rotation-works on that farm. Now trying some Canola, don't know why. We were up to our necks in debt after impulsive 1980 land purchase and Lentils
              S saved our back ends. Love those babies and Al Slinkard. Its been a blast, now we sort of watch the next generation and help wherever we can, but still very busy with an international business, so we are old farmers, but due to very diverse business life, we are not as knowledgeable as some more focussed Agri-Villers. That's why we like this site and all the experience shared.


                Sumum that is lot you just said... can you repeate ?


                  Guess that's why I am Sumdumguy -but we could vote on who is the "smartest" farmer on the site.


                    Sure but dont include my ex wife in the vote. Please.


                      If it is cool like now cut it greenish. Cutting in the rain is best if you cut in the rain the plant doesn't seal the cut stem and will absorb water and continue maturation.

                      If it's hot and dry swathing on thr green side will shrink it.

                      Even cut wet it'll shrink some... However 30 bu of #1 is way better than 25 bu of sample after a frost.

                      The advice of hard green seeds is a very good rule of thumb... If you can't squish them they will turn black and be filled with oil.


                        They should have some color change starting to show in the berries by then as well. By then it can change quick. Straight cutting takes a little more guts and finesse.
                        If seeding Canola will be a repeat for next year Rotoshears should be in your budget!!


                          Boy the strategy for Canola. With lots of acres its easy. Know your fields walk fields and then sacrifice the first few because you will never get them all done perfect. Even with a bunch of cutters. When I can roll the seed of a really green pod its time to cut. Color change happens quick and hail or flood can make a field a challenge. Lodged Canola or leaning to Allah is a challenge. Fast west then slow East.
                          Have fun its suck a great crop. Super expensive seed that does the same as it use to. Were paying way to much for varieties that are no better than we use to grow. Bayer and Monsanto and DeKalb take note. Recycling is not working.


                            Sumdumguy, when I read your topic I thought you wanted to hurry on the swathing. That be the case, green but firm to roll.

                            The proper way, if time permits, is, find the main stem. Section it into thirds. Picks pod or two from each third. Bottom pods should should contain seeds that are all brown/black. Middle pods shoul be mostly changed,some greenish evident. Top third pods should be firm to roll with green seed having spots of colour change.

                            Good luck with your canola.

                            By the way, if you're swathing east/west, start on the north side and work south. If swathing north/south, start on the east side and work west. By doing this leaning canola leans onto the d****rs and doesn't get hung on the divider.


                              canola council studies have shown the yield difference between cutting at 80% color change and "just starting to change color at the bottom" could be up to 10%. -swath at night/ morning or in the rain if you wait this long. Otherwise, make sure you cannot crush to top pod seeds between your fingers, and you should be alright.


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