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Friday Crop Report!

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    Friday Crop Report!

    Well its been a fun week, we were able to get in the field and start peas on Friday what a wonderful 6 hours. But hey the seed for next year is in the bin. Then on Saturday and Sunday and finally ending on Monday we received 75 mm of rain. Creeks are running again and water that had dried up in sloughs or flats was back. Swathing or harvesting through mud. To some that say quit complaining look at Larry Webbers map this is 8 years of flooding. It gets to you its just not been one or two years.
    Ok here is the crop report.
    After the floods on the weekend Tuesday morning was a bit on the crispy side and some very low areas maybe saw frost. Neighbours corn has a funny yellow area about the size of a big barn yellow and brown leaves.
    Our weather station at farm showed plus 3 was the lowest.

    Soy is in the final days of flowering and is beginning to fill its pods. Lots more pods than last year and again like other weeks is two weeks ahead of last year. Looks good when you walk in them. Time will tell if they do better than last two years but the heavy rain and heat is what they need. They got the heavy rain now two days of heat was nice. Pods are filling nice. It is nice to see plants right up to flooded area were water sat.

    HRS and Durum. Their is fusarium in the area, its later than normal for us but will effect yields by some 15 to 40 percent depending on seeding date and maturity level at time of infection. Spraying or not is all over the map one guy didn't and its at the 40 percent next guy who seeded later and didn't probably has less than 5 percent damage. Simply its in the area so use your combine as a cleaner and let the shitty kernels head out the back. Most have started to desiccate their crops. No one is swathing in this area due to rain except the really ripe fields that could go in a day or two and will be dried. Most are 14 days away from strait cutting going on in general.
    Late wheat looks real good but will it make it. Early is good and stuff seeded around the may long has water issues from spring and the June floods.
    Peas are the shit show of crops this year. Fields have been worked down, yes hail damaged from July 5 but also from flooding and crop insurance writing them off. Real good fields now look flat on the ground due to last weekends heavy rain and now the Geese have started their arrival. Did see a few northern but its early not sure why their here. Yields any where from high of 35 to 3 to 5 an acre average will be low.

    Lentils are basically in the same boat.

    Flax the early thin fields are turning color and filling the few balls they have, very thin on real bad flooded fields. The thick well drained are twisted up bad but thick and filling not bad. Not as good as last year but ok.

    Oats the early is about ready to desiccate or swath, it looks real nice, the late is starting to show signs of turning and actually last weeks heat did help speed it up. Oats wont be like last year but will be good.

    Barley the early fields are either being strait cut or in the process of swathing and taking in three days. Might beat the rain on Friday or Saturday. Some will go today and dry or aerate. Late is thick with huge heads but its late, also the later is way dirty than the early fields probably because spraying was taking place at time we had the June floods. Late needs two weeks.
    Silage operations are happening all over.
    Haying is done with some second cuts taking place.

    So to sum up the week that ended. Its been every thing from hot to major rain to almost freezing to hot. Ah you have to love Saskatchewan weather. Still go with mother nature decides who gets a crop and who doesn't.
    It will be a crop better than the 2010 flood year but yields are probably close to half to a third of last year.
    Its the beginning of a farmers most dangerous, stressful, fun time of the year. Be careful out their and enjoy what ever hand you have been dealt.

    SF3. We can't control the cards we've been dealt, even if you we are the dealer, but it is our choice as to how we play them. Make the best of what you've been dealt. Ya, you bet I'd like to fold and walk many times.....

    Finishing peas now. Nothing new here still crappy.
    Cereals will need some heat to push them along, we swath without desiccating. Looks not bad, bit of fuss but will wait to see sample before passing
    Flax stays green too long because of Headline.
    Got afew acres of canola to swath yet and some that could be picked up any day. Doesn't look too bad either, no yeild guestimates.....

    Be careful and safe. ..
    Good luck everyone.


      Wow I cant believe I forgot the most important crop in Saskatchewan.

      Canola, Most have started, or made a round and went home or just cut green and well its swath. Canola is going to be hit and miss. Well drained and no flood plus seeding time is going to be the different between a very good crop and true shit show. Late is still looking to be the highest potential yield but some will be great in early. Next to total shit show.
      Early liberty we swath that was on pea ground has potential. Its shorter than normal but podded well. Clean with only a few cleavers that came later. Yes Cleavers from seed. Thanks.
      Then after that half section we moved down the road to prablably our worst flood damaged field. Night and day. Flooded has spots that are nice then spots that are flowering, then spots with weeds and F$%kall and then spots that are normal and turning. You just got to go. Some who were waiting for Canola to change a little more are getting surprised that the weekend rain and muddy fields that delayed swathing are now dead ripe. Few trying to swath on way home late last night. Fields will turn because some have the days already.
      Only grain harvested in area is some Barley and Peas and Lentils.


        I agree we cant control the cards we get even if we are the dealer. Funny how a full house feels or 21. Ah farming its a great game of cards, you bet the farm every year for the right cards.
        Good luck.


          SF3, I know you've been carping a lot about poor canola, but I've now swathed 3 quarters of canola and I can't believe all the half drowned out areas! The overall yield won't likely be avg. even though from the road the fields looked great all summer. Very big disappointment. You called it!


            Same here, 10% zero yield drown outs, 20% 10 bu/ acre, the rest variable. Poorest on hills, best on mid slope. Hope there are 20 bu overall. 2" less rain and a way better field, maybe 30.


              Finished swathing canola..From 10-40 b/a..average might be 30??....Swathed some wht yesterday...bad lean after wind and rain..In the 40 b/a range..


                Finished Peas just before 1/2 inch rain last night.
                Yield Cal Fubar but guessing 45 - 50.
                Wheat sprayed and waiting.
                Canola all ready and one third down.


                  Swathing canola continues. Even the late stuff is getting closer. The canola looks very good for the most part. The only schlerotina we've encountered so far is where hog manure was applied. Canola there is 5'5" tall, but, mostly flat.

                  We did a small bit of wheat swathed after the rain. Quality looks good. Only a little ergot on the first round. Yield as high as last year.

                  We need better weather.


                    Question regarding downed and lodged wheat crops. What is the best for harvesting these crops? Does desiccants get down to kill off the weeds and crop or is swathing the better option?


                      Finished nice first quarter of peas and delivered it. Then 1/2 inch rain. Sh Pk is almost done swathing canola, Killam start today. Wheat that needs it has been Desiccated. Fabas look good. Flax can be desiccated early next week. Yields look nice. Have a great weekend... and be safe!


                        Tstep, glyp will stop second growth and weeds. We use the plastic lifters on cutter bar which make picking this crop up easier. If you can be assured rain will stay away and can pick the crop up quick, after it is ripe... then swathing works great as well.
                        All the best!


                          Harvest in full swing. Yellow peas finished with overall excellent yield. Started some maples but the ground is so saturated decided to leave them a few days so ground can dry out. On to red lentils where yield is very nice and quality an X3, so not to bad considering the weekend monsoon. Finished swathing canola this morning and overall very good. Solid and thick corner to corner. Hopefully the yield is there. All early seeded durum is ready to straight cut and looks excellent. Won't be able to start on it for another week tho until the lentils and maple peas are cleaned up. Late durum is fantastic but needs 2 weeks to mature yet and has some fuzz In it. Weather forecast sux and last night just dodged a hailstorm which did a lot of damage to standing straight cut canola and dry canola Swaths. Barley completely stripped. This is the Latest I have ever seen hail in this area. One year remember it on August 27th.


                            Two step tom did not properly answer your question. Glyphosate in crop will kill all winter anuals and weeds excet the resistant ones which will die over winter. Wait till after crop comes off and you will kill nothing. 20 yrs experience. Spray now. Just had this conversation with my dad. Ok less than 20 percent of the glyoho will get to target. But its better than after harvest when plants are dusted. Or have taken minus 10 frosts. Desicate with rr


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