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Hey all you Federal Reformer/Alliance/Con Fraser Inst reports

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    Hey all you Federal Reformer/Alliance/Con Fraser Inst reports

    To all you fiscally responsible Conservatives. I can't wait to hear from you:

    MbDog, Braveheart,Sumdumguy, Blackpowder, Parsley Fransico, Oliver88 and Ton4CWB and all others. Oh yea feel free to type what ever you want it's an open forum and I won't be upset if it's " DERAILED" Let's have fun!!!! Just no name calling.

    Here's the goods from the Fraser Institute Aug 18/2014

    The Federal government reduced it's debt by 92.7 billion from 1996/97 to 2007/08.

    Since the CONSERVATIVE government began running deficits from 2008/09 to 2013/14 171.7 billion has been added to the national debt

    The LIBERALS paid of debt for 11 years,but in just seven years the Reformer/Alliance/Con Government has nearly double the amount of debt that had been previously paid off.

    Yours thought's are greatly appreciated


    So that's where those CWB pool account monies went during the Libs reign! I always suspected such. Ha!


      Wow that's some debt, BUT just imagine if the liberals or dippers were in power! They both wanted EVEN MORE DEBT via stimulus spending than the Conservatives! This is both documented in the press, and in the HofC records.
      True that Martin paid down debt(and that was great), but if they would have been in power in 2009-2010 they would have spent a lot more(as liberals have stated), and they would have also skimmed off what they always think is their(Liberal Party) share ie:Adscam! By the way, has the Liberal Party ever paid that money back to the taxpayers of Canada??? Haven't heard so.
      As far as the bearded one, it would have been a bidding war as to which one would have spent more him or Just in.


        Conservative gov't big disappointment. They gutted almost every program in the West. If I ever was a small "c" conservative, I am even smaller now. Long live Paul Martin!


          They are phoning and e-mailing everyday so they can "piss" away my donation on campaigning against marijuana. Yeh right, I'll get right on that!


            Quoting what non governing parties say on or off the record is as useless as their comments. Talk isn't action..... especially when they have no way of executing.

            If I were in power, I would legalize abortion, marijuana, spouse and child abuse, prostitution, abolish income tax and all police forces and health care, give everyone 3 million dollars and 5 guns.....


              Don't suggest for a second that the Liberals paid any debt. It was done on the backs of taxpayers. Remember demands by the troicha headed by Dion for stimulus in 2009. That said, the Conservatives should be spending less right now. They should can Agri Stability right now among other things.


                Five guns aren't enough.


                  K Forage...I just about had...just kidding.
                  Harper and conservatives are the best thing to happen to this country in a long time. What Canada needed, when the world seem to come to terms with whatever they came to terms with in 2008, was leadership to appear strong and fiscally responsible/accountable to ride out the meltdown/plunge facing a lot of countries. I think the can stopped getting kicked to some degree for many countries, and Canada was not immune. Debts and deficits are important and make good political fodder, but rarely indicate incompetence.... unless the liberals/centerleft are in powerLol. With the kind of chaos that hit the markets largely after the liberals, a crisis mainly created by liberal thinkers/spenders all over the world, unavoidable that spending would increase. We're not heartless bastards you know. With the world falling apart, I can't imagine Jeany boy and his golfballs at the helm. Martin maybe...but he's still under the fluffy liberal banner which went against him.
                  I think without a majority conservative govt, we all would have got a haircut...except Ontarians who were the ones who needed the wake up call.


                    mbdog - you sir are a CPC plant. You talk the speaking points to the verb. You may be a volunteer or you may be paid. But you are a plant. How many forums do you troll? If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck - it's a duck.
                    Okay if sometimes deficits are okay in times of economic crisis, explain to me what Harper started deficit financing as soon as he was elected. And don't give me any crap about he saw what was coming and was being proactive because that doesn't pass the smell test. And secondly, the main theme of his Masters' Thesis in Economics was "that any Government that runs a deficit should be overthrown and executed". It didn't take him long to abandon his principles and drool over staying at Sussex, did it? That's when I lost all respect for him. About all he's been good at is attack ads, screwed up Senate appointments, and punishing Canadians of all walks of life, especially the military. Sorry, he's just another low grade politician because he has the best job he'll ever have and he knows it.


                      The meltdown and its consequences/ripple effects...I viewed as inevitable....still do... and certainly accelerated on by the internet age. What happened would have happened regardless of who was in charge. Regardless of who initiated it, our country was not immune, and had/has its own real questions regarding sustainability, competitiveness in the new transparent market driven world we were heading into. People look to leadership during crisis, and I think Harper did a fine job, not because he's conservative, or maybe me, but because he appeared strong during a turbulent time. IMO, In times like these, being fiscally conservative was a good thing for everyone.
                      As far as the thesis, I would suggest "the meltdown" he led through has never happened before in this way. So at the time of Harper's thesis, the world was a much different place.
                      Rock...No I'm not a plant...but is your real name Walter? I knew a tax and spend Walter once and he called me a plant after I accused him of being one.


                        The conservatives implemented some great changes but I also feel the harper regime has outlived its usefulness. What's even scarier though is the thought of someone getting power. Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.



                          Well said and you hit the nail on the head. What you forgot to mention was his big push on accountability, senate reform, transparency, patronage appointments etc etc. When in opposition all these issues were to be eliminated,when Harper came to power. In the last seven years Harper has failed miserably in all these aspects, and it will be part of his legacy.

                          He cut he GST by 2% just to get votes. Everybody knows if Harper really wanted to reduce the tax burden on Canadians he would have cut personal income tax rather than GST which is a consumption tax.

                          He also inherited a 13 billion surplus from Paul Martin which he blew the first year in power.

                          But what could we expect from a Harper who's only private sector job was a mail room clerk in an oil company. He has lived entirely from the public trough. I can not understand how anyone can defend his record no matter what political stripe you belong to. Especially after reading the Fraser report which is a right leaning organization.


                            The only reason he got my vote was his promise to rid us of the gun registry (sort of). I do not know who I will vote for next election. What I DO know that the provincial Conservatives lost my vote about 6 years ago.


                              CPC, what planet are you from? Give me a break!


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