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Rain fall totals! Ah F$&k monsoon totals!

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    Wow! sounds like all RM's have the same grader operators! NO crown, washboards, muddy knolls, gravel all winged into the ditches all winter. Soon be able to drive in the ditches, no, that's all water now!
    What a F'ing mess all over!
    And these inland hurricane type massive coma swirling rain events from HELL! WTF is causing this?


      In case your not connected to what is happening the shit has hit the fan in Manitoba and sask,it is sounding bad...real bad


        Disagree all you like JD, does 3 fast passes since the snow left fix a road? During May, we never saw a grader, super B's on this road are double what they were two years ago. Everyone of them drive straight down the middle in the same tracks. The last two weeks of May and the first one of June there were ruts 10" deep. This road was built up the last time in late 60's with sc****rs. Yeah, they could have packed a bunch of top soil on top,,,, And it has been tried for years, one new guy on council has about the chance of hell to change how it operates. Just say'n.


          Regarding graders. We have the opposite problem here. Richest county in Alberta ( or used to be at least)and lowest taxes. They grade the roads so often I think they wore the gravel out. Crowns so steep it is hard to stay on in the winter time. They even found the perfect solution to undersized culverts......
          Build the road high enough that the water can't wash over it anymore. Spend a small fortune to make a road 3 feet higher and back the water up for miles instead of installing adequate culverts. I am the lucky recipient of much of the water that gets backed up.

          Regarding rainfall totals and livestock from above. in 1999 we got 12" in 10 days, most from 2 events. Pastures turned into a few isolated islands, not much fun having cows then either, can't move them or feed them. Crops that year were either complete write offs, or spectacular, nothing in between. No where near that bad right now.


            Heard there was 11 inches at Rocanville SK. Can someone verify?


              Over 8 inches in the past week and still coming down.....this is ****ing gross.


                Well with this latest monsoon it looks like as far as this crop goes she's all over but the crying now. get your tow ropes ready for the combines.


                  Our total pales in comparison to others but please realize it's still too much here as well. When it's saturated it's saturated and the rest either runs "away" or accumulates in low spots that continue to get bigger. Things are going to begin to look real ugly when this quits and the sun shines and the real yellowing begins. Will be interesting to see if there is any market reaction.


                    When the sun comes out then the real damage will show up in three days!


                      2011 had a canola crop stressed with too much water when bolting. Never did recover.We are just out of the rain area this time. But damage to crops in the rain area may be worse this time as most low spots were not seeded in 2011. With big rains in the US and now Canada think markets will have to react.


                        I believe this event is what you call "the flop". Pretty/too close to the end of the quarter though...could get interesting


                          For some, it's "the river",,,pun intended!

                          Measured another 16mm overnight, on top of the 45mm the day before. Raining hard this morning.


                            Only ones in good shape are the guys getting big cash rent. Time for a correction, ha ha like that will happen. didn't know lake could be worth 60, 70 bucks an acre. But I guess someone was willing to pay it. Problems all over the world prices likely go up, wont have much to sell anyway this fall by the looks of it.


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