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Animal antibiotics

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    Animal antibiotics

    Is this a big deal?Dont know anything about it.

    WASHINGTON — The Food and Drug Administration
    says 25 pharmaceutical companies are voluntarily
    phasing out the use of antibiotics for growth
    promotion in animals processed for meat.
    Citing a potential threat to public health, the agency
    in December asked 26 companies to voluntarily stop
    labeling drugs important for treating human infection
    as acceptable for use in animal production. The FDA
    did not name the one company that has not agreed to
    withdraw or revise its drugs.

    The companies will either withdraw the drugs from
    animal use completely or revise them so they would
    only be able to be used with a veterinarian’s

    Many cattle, hog and poultry producers give their
    animals antibiotics regularly to ensure that they are
    healthy and to make the animals grow faster.

    In October, Frontline explored the possible end of the
    age of antibiotics, due to the growing threat of drug-
    resistant bacteria.
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