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Hey Bucket

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    Hey Bucket

    Have to give you a lot of credit for attempting contacting with gov't about the railroad issues. I just want to take this post to where would actual canola futures price be at if we had delivery. Forget about basis here. We must be heading for a large carryover of grains on account of improper rail rail service. I think we should use the improper in place of poor. Improper implies that someone is at fault and someone can do something about it. Poor just sounds like ok this is the way it is and we should just live with it. My opinion there. Now my point to drive across at the moment is we are only looking at basis to think that we are out x amount of dollars when we need to think of x plus y. Y is how much the futures price is actually low because of lost sales and year end carry. Y could very possibly be another 2 dollars per bushel.
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