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The Conservatives will lose the Next Election!

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    The Conservatives will lose the Next Election!

    With the shit show going on right now in Western Canada and the inaction by the conservative government this long time conservative is predicting that they will lose the next general election.
    They have taken a page out of Ralphy boys book TALK TALK Talk, study study study, Hope like hell the situation gets better, get check go home.
    Harper and his boys forgot one thing we westerners put them in power and when we needed some things they forgot about their core voters.
    HEll I might not vote Liberal or NDP (sorry I just threw up in my mouth) but might be out of the country and forget to vote.
    ITS called GET THE VOTE OUT and when you forget about your core you lose.
    What are others thinking.
    I'm just stating what I am hearing from Conservatives in our area.
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