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Early frost?

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    Early frost?

    I was looking at the long term forcast for this week, lots of 1's and 2's on the 2nd and 3rd of August... and Swan Hills has a forcast 0 for August 2nd.

    So much for global warming...

    At least it will get rid of those thousands of grasshoppers that I have to walk and fight my way through every day. There is no crop here to wreck anyway and other than the gardens we would hardly notice any change. We have had high winds, high temperatures and no rain so what else can hurt us now? A flood would be nice tho'.



      I am amazed that we have had frost in July in northern Alberta, and it just looks like August might happen as well.

      Oh well, there always silver linings, you have a healthy attitude!


        It is pretty cool here this morning! 4!
        There are always silver linings, even though they are awful small! No mosquitoes this year! Don't have to spend much time cutting the lawn! When we advertize hay for sale-no rain, we're actually telling the truth!



          I heard reports of people having the sc**** frost off windshields yesterday morning in the Parkland of AB, and Sask getting frost this morning.

          Was this frost enough to hurt the quality or quantity of our grain production?


            I doubt it would hurt the quality of the grain crop, because there is basically no grain crop anyway! Some wheat might make a crop but the barley was pretty well burnt up anyway. Even though it was a fairly hard frost(could hardly sc**** it off the windshield) I hosed the garden down early and only have a bit of damage on some beans and basil. The potatoes and tomatoes look fine. However I don't know what the 3 inches of wet snow last night did and it is about -1 here right now! Sure has been a strange year.



              It is obvious farmers need a good sense of humor to keep farming!!!

              I think your observation is partly right, however I did see some nicer crops over the ridge at Lacombe... I wonder how the coridor west made out!


                THE Zero number shows up a bunch of times in Lloyd Cold Lake in the forcast for tommorrow morning... I see Scott SK. had an official recorded -1 yesterday morning...




                  I hear that Friday (Aug. 2) morning tourists had the treat of snow from Ponoka south to Calgary, did the frost and snow hurt the grain crops much on the coridor and west, or is it too early to tell?

                  In SK I hear east of Saskatoon there was -3 to -6 Friday morning as well... with farmers buying back Canola that was hedged... how much damage was done in SASK???


                    I don't think the frost did any damage as everything had a nice white blanket! It flattened some of the better wheat crops in places. Most of the barley wasn't too flat but maybe because it was so short and thin! Down the runways the crops are flat as a pancake and being still green should be fun this fall.



                      It appears that the AB/BC Peace River region escaped the frost, is this right?


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