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Oil For Agriculture

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    Oil For Agriculture

    Farrmers and farms need to access plentiful,
    cheap and timely energy for rural living. We
    cannot afford to refurbish out tractors with new
    parts in order to adjust to some alternative
    source of energy. New parts, juat like new
    lighbulbs, will be a moneymaker for some
    industy, but a loser for the farmers buying them.

    Canada is oil-rich. And must be developed to
    help advance agricultural needs and projects.

    And farmers could be working towards
    encouraging the advance of the development of
    oil pipelines, and drilling, and discovery.

    Anti-oil activists work hard to stop the
    development of oil; yet farmers are mostly silent,
    even though we have much at stake. A full choir
    of the voices of farmers supporting oil
    development should replace our present do-
    nothing stance. Shouldn't we make some effort to
    support oil? A joint letter to the Minister is one

    Policy and action follows direction.

    Can we make sure our farm houses are not
    depending upon windmill power when it's forty
    below, with our tractors running on Made in
    China algae-energy. Thoughts? Parsley
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