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AAFC canola s/d - is their calculator broken or is mine?

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    AAFC canola s/d - is their calculator broken or is mine?

    Get your calculators out.

    Let's look at 2012-13 canola.

    Start with total canola supply of 14,142
    Subtract exports of 7,200
    and subtract "all domestic" of 6,761

    If your calculator is like mine the resulting carryout is 181

    If you are using an Ag Cda calculator, the result is 650

    Now go to 2013-14 canola:

    Start with total canola supply of 15,375
    Subtract exports of 7,650
    and subtract "all domestic" of 7,025

    The result is a carry out of 700
    Funny, that's what Ag Cda got as well.

    BUT - that is based on the Ag Cda carry-in (the 2012-13 carry-out) of 650. If they used the 181 that their actual supply/demand numbers added up to, the 2013-14 carry-out would be only 231.

    650 vs 231 - the difference between 20 under and 20 over. Also could be a big difference in spreads.

    This just in - new Ag Cda training program for staff: "Level 1 Calculator Operator". Program to start asap; all must attend. (Offered in both French and English)
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