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Current Good Grain Price

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    Current Good Grain Price

    Who thinks that the current good prices
    are due to the demise of the framer run
    Comedian Wheat Bored? Who thinks the good
    prices are due to the fact that a short
    crop is goin ta be harvested this Fall?
    Who thinks that the Ritz cracker is a
    great gag leader or the greatest gag
    leader ever?


    Timing is EVERYTHING.

    And the timing of this alternative market was nearly perfect.

    The only way it could have been better... was if it had been sooner.

    Enjoy the good prices and demand... they will gain us many new good paying customers and marketing opportunities.

    Growers now are allowed personal responsibility... always a good development.

    Hope your harvest goes well!



      US price has nothing to do with the "voluntary" CWB...note it is not a demise. The only difference is that we will be able to capture the highs this time rather than rely on a socialistic institution that makes everyone average.


        Or below average


          The CWB would have looked after their customers and sold this years crop before the price went up. Single desk buying.


            One thing is for sure we would have been only paid 3.50 a bushel and a 25 percent call. That equals zero cash for a crop that is worth something.


              I would say the current arbitrage of prices between Canada and the US are a direct
              result of the ending of the CWB monopsony. Prices will rise and fall but now we will
              receive the actual world price and not a diluted lower than average price for our
              grain possibly 18 months from now.


                Can any of the board supporters point out the premium the cwb is offering on new crop?

                I look at their prices from time to time and their Vancouver or thunder bay prices backed off to my point doesn't equal the grain companies net price. What gives???

                The cwb has said they had a substantial amount of Japanese business secured. That alone should offer up a premium IF the rhetoric for the last 60 years was true.


                  hook line and sinker burby got you all


                    Yes. Yes. Yes. Finally your starting to see the light Burburt. Ritz is a great Ag leader because he followed through on his plan to give freedom to farmers. When the Berlin Wall came down there were also critics that wanted it to stay up.


                      neighbor looked in at 9.50 a bushel,that 1
                      dollar a bu higher than the cwb got couple
                      years ago with 20 dollar wheat. sounds
                      exciting times coming, fun in farming now.


                        hm, i think neighbor locked in .


                          The naysayers were constantly predicting that
                          Southern prairie farmers would be making a
                          beeline for the border and then American farmers
                          would pound them out, but along came Prince
                          Arbitrage and proved them all wrong. Are you


                            Yes, I am surprised. Time will tell,
                            whether er not Comedian grain gets hauled
                            South by individuals er not. Amerikican
                            framers may not sit back and take it, like
                            Comedians wood!


                              Sounds like ASRG was jusat trying to stir the pot there dont seem to be anything in there to get excited about.
                              Leaseholders ass ???? why would they need one are they trying hard to protect what they realize they have no claim to.
                              Yes not all leases have oil revenue but you all have veeeery cheap rent. Why dont you stand up and say that is wrong or are you waiting to get yours.


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