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Friday Crop Report!

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    Friday Crop Report!

    Well what a week, looked like starting
    to dry up then it rained close to a inch
    then hot two days then one heck of a
    ugly storm. 1 inch out of sweet F%$K
    Ok Durum 2/3 very good 1/3 that was
    fooded bad is having some issues. Few
    HRS is coming on very strong now that it
    hit the Gas. Big top leaf Some who
    sprayed early are on with second round
    of disease control. Looking good and so
    does price. Thank god no CWB.
    Oats finished spraying today for disease
    and refine. Ok nothing out of this world
    but its coming on better.
    Barley late but its coming very nice.
    Peas well the hill tops are a very nice
    lush looking then the lower areas are
    still thin and sick. Oh well maybe my
    last year for peas were just two
    fricking wet.
    Canola all has been sprayed with liberty
    , some twice because of weed presure.
    Round up done just before flowering with
    headline. RR is into full flower and
    liberty is just starting. Late liberty
    is coming on very strong.
    So to some up crop cereals are looking
    very good, very good.
    Peas oh well drowned out not so good but
    where there is peas very good.
    Canola has taken a beating from the wind
    , mild hail, rain etc but is coming
    good. Next week might bring it up a
    2 inches for the week with lots of wind
    and sun.

    Awesome Awesome Awesome!!! Canola
    blooming, peas flowering, Wheat heading,
    Barley heading, fungicide going on.
    Perfect weather, inch of rain when needed
    and lots of heat, then rain again. Should
    be good if it can keep going this way.


      Well the dryness here done some good. At least the purple canola that I sprayed last week is now green with 2 spindly leaves and a flower on top. Spraying flowering canola second pass.
      Lanigan rain missed us fortunately. Conserving moisture was not the correct choice this year, that is farming life.


        Spraying canola at flowering stage can
        hurt yield up to 37%. Farmers think RR
        canola is totally tolerant, but it isn't.
        Only when it is small, like up to 4 leaf.

        But, if it hasn't been sprayed, its still
        worth it.


          Central MB, went on a big tour yesterday, basically entire sw part of MB. Very dry north of the assiniboine, crops improve on south side around Holland, huge hail damage south of Crystal City, Pilot Mound, some damage. Killarney nice but a bit wet, Great crops all the way from there till Waskada, more hail north near Hartney, wet. Then crop improves near Souris and Brandon is nice. Then dry east of Brandon. Wow, LOTS of wht/canola, seen two fields of flax in entire trip. its a shame where they had hail but where they had rain beauty crop coming. At farm we're super dry, missed rain on Monday. Wheat turning white on lighter land, canola flowering and aborting like crazy. Flax dying. What a shame but others have a bumper coming.


            I agree WD on the RR canola. Dont spray
            after you see a bud any thing after that
            and yield is reduced. Liberty can take a
            little later but both if you push spraying
            to far can really reduce yields. But we
            had one field last year that got hammered
            by rain and had to go light late and it
            did ok nothing great but at least clean.
            Have to weigh the consecences.


              Yes and no. At bud there is a definite chance of bud blasting. At early bolt with 1/2 ltr or less equiv and 7 gal/ac water we have seen very little bud blast. Only if you have to though. The problem comes from guys who try to get away with one shot and wait or forced to (weather) spray too late and still go in with 3/4 or more at budding or later. That causes big issues then. Agree with S/F it is a balance between a clean crop with a few bus knocked off or a mess that takes 3-4 years to clean up.


                WD Furrow et.Al;

                The SECOND shot of Glyphos is the one that does the damage... the plant as an accumulative total of glyphos it can handle. We are VERY happy with a little later shot WM 3/4 L equiv... but land was clean and sprayed just a day emergence of Canola.

                Best crops of RR we have ever seen. Put on 150lb of 21-0-0-24 just before bolting AFTER weeds were dead. Will be interestig to see how Nex Clearfield is in comparison to the CRR varieties.

                Axial combo really delayed our wheat.... short by at least 6". Will be interesting to see how much yield it knocks off.


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