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    Just showers so far, but rain off and on for the next 10 days. Seeding pretty much done except for laggards and reseeding of blown out canola.


      We had nothing more than a tenth. Their is a god.
      Rolling today should get 600 in . Four wide open
      fields and no sloughs. One 1/2 we used the Kelly
      harrow on last fall. It's seems nice.
      Good luck jag in Europe.
      Tuesday could get us to half crossing fingers and


        Done last night @ 7 pm, then went back and seeded one wet spot where I got stuck. Good luck to all . I am going to take the kids fishing today. Last nice day for a while. Gota cut grass first - or buy goats.


          IF it rains, we are going camping too, just not to look at the farm.
          Good on you Furrow, relax!
          You can have the rain to "make grain".


            Big tractor broke down yesterday, hydraulic oil in the engine. Will see how good the dealer is, they are picking it up this morning and working on it in town. May get new pump off of a new tractor.


              That sucks hopper, good luck. Nieghbour had hydraulic pump go as well, they have had a tough spring. Got our unit ready to roll again to help out as soon as we get the call. On standby now until they are ready.


                See thats what good neighbors do! Hopper
                is that the new tractor that has the
                engine problem!


                  No engine problem. Hope we caught it in time, engine still working good. I actually decided to trade it for a new tractor identical unit 3 years newer. Got monitors in by noon, home working in field by 3, used one tank full 90 acres now waiting for anhydrous ever since. Will see if can use the tank full yet tonight should be full by 10;30 pm. Everyone else going like mad as 2 inches still in forcast starting some time tonight.


                    Rain still holding off here, so far


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