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Penson Worldwide

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    Penson Worldwide

    Penson(PNSN) is going down,if your doing business
    with anyone who clears through them,get out.

    Is this the Bear Stearns of 2012? I'll never forget the Sunday night that operation went down.

    Penson has been in big trouble for a while, so this should be no surprise. Looks like their debt holders won't exchange for equity.

    The Penson website it still up. No changes there......


      I know questrade used them does anyone know if
      they still do?


        Canadian banks should never have been allowed
        into the brokerage business, and as far a global
        banking, we may as well just turn the country
        over to pirates!

        The on-line application process for social
        programs are paying out continuously to ineligible
        applicants because foreigners spend all their
        spare time sitting on computers applying
        indescriminately and receiving weekly payments
        into theor bank accounts. I was shown proof of
        this by a foreigner the other day. He pulled up
        his bank account on my computer and showed
        me the payments. I can't begin to guess all the
        handi-cap programs that they are applying to.
        This ia our open-door policy. Are we dumb, here
        in Canada!


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