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3 economic doomsaying experts

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    Parsley, I see a lot of back slapping going on but, I don't for one minute believe that the Oriental culture doesn't have a very strong work ethic. Go to some western Canadian Universities and check out who is at the top of the class. Go to Vancouver look around. My much earlier post wasn't saying that we would speak Mandarin, but that they would have a definite influence on our culture. On another point I would say that work ethic in the west is being eroded by a sense of entitlement. Hopefully we are in the middle of a reality check right now.


      pgluca, I agree that the far eastern work ethic is
      admirable. Vietnam and Singapore and Hong
      Kong and Japan and china are truly Clydesdales
      pulling their work loads.

      But in my HO, hard work is not the only
      determinant that brings a high standard of living.
      Political systems make a difference. Customs
      make a difference. Intelligence makes a
      difference. Many factors! Religion can make a
      difference, Farm Ranger contends. Rather timely
      comment for me , because I am reading a 1950
      published book named Totem Poles written by
      Marius Barbeau. It describes and depicts all the
      totem poles, house posts and frontals and the
      grave pillars of BC and Alaska and the folk tales
      and mythology that the Haida artists based their
      work on. The Immaculate and Conception
      themes, as are also the themes of Bear Mother,
      the Dragon, Orpheus, Raven and so on.

      Spirituality can do many things...define, enhance,
      guide, limit, enslave, and so on. It isn't the only
      factor in development though, is it ? Pars.

      I sure opened up a big can of soup didn't I? LOL.
      I should know better, pgluca, LOL.


        pgluca, I wonder if we don't need to backslap
        every once in awhile and appreciate what we
        have and who we are.

        Would you trade places with any other culture in
        the world? Whom? Hah! Spring fever tag. You're
        it. Pars


          Oddly it is the immigrant worker who is satisfied working anywhere. It is our own spoiled brats who would rather sit in their parents basement playing online video games all night making them too tired to get up the next morning to go to the same job the immigrant is taking.

          Every parent wants it better for their children than what they had. How much higher can the bar be raised? Has anyone been to kids birthday parties these days? Vehicles bought for them as soon as they have a license to drive. One maybe two hot holidays a year and school doesn't seem to get in the way of that either. Run from one activity to the next or quitting half way through because they don't want to do it anymore.

          Parsley: I agree farm kids at one time probably had a better work ethic but I don't know if I can say the same for the current batch. Lifestyle between urban and rural isn't that dramatically different anymore. If the kid isn't made to do anything they(few) won't look for anything either. I can only hope that maybe, just maybe, my example will have an influence, ultimately it is up to them.

          Boy talk about off topic, Sorry.


            farmaholic, I agree all parents want their children
            to be 'better off' than their parents. Washing
            machines come to mind. Ipads. I know many
            people who are rich but not spoiled.

            But teaching children to earn their toys , as
            opposed to simply buying the kids the toys...ah!
            there's the catch.................

            Doesn't the true meaning of both earning and
            non-entitlement stem from the word, "No"? As
            you well what know parenting demands, you
            probably say it often. Pars


              Parsley, You are most certainly right about children and for that matter everyone earning their toys. As for pampering kids the old "Rags to riches and back to rags again in three generations" too often applies. And no I don't want to trade anyone, I and probably most of those on this post have been very fortunate to have been raised and worked in prosperous times and in an affulent part of the world.
              And as for spirituality I am not touching that one, it's a mine field.
              You are really good at stirring things up! Actually I am foolish enough to make one comment For a good percentage of any population, money and things are more important than spirituality.


                The topic was "economic doomsday by experts"

                Yes, well.

                Where were the experts years ago? Because
                they couldnt see problems coming, how will they
                know how to fix them.? Einstein said, "We cant
                solve problems by using the same kind of
                thinking we used when we created them."

                I recall Farmer Cotton preaching, though.
                Silverback! As farmers, we can only make sure
                we run our own businesses responsibly, fiscally
                prudent, and with decency. And teach out
                children how to do the same. You are the
                experts on your farm Pars

                The farm community can survive a recession or
                depression because they have both worked hard
                for their benefits and because we were forced to
                save by buying land.


                  Thank you,i think lol,my views of scenarios and out
                  comes are always changing and adapting to info,i
                  know i don't want to be anywhere else,well maybe
                  singapore,but the rise of people who do and produce
                  is back,don't be a real-estate agent in toronto or


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