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3 economic doomsaying experts

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    3 economic doomsaying experts

    [URL="http://www.usatoday.com/money/perfi/stocks/story/2012-02-26/stock-market-bears-doomsayers/53259742/1"]Financial Crisis to Come[/URL]

    I do believe that we will see many of
    these things come true. The question I
    have is will farmland be a good asset in
    this environment or a noose like it was in
    the 80's. It certainly benefits from
    inflation but once interest rates increase
    the bubble will burst. I will bet that we
    will see higher prices in the short run
    followed by a long run decline.



      Add them names to,never liked the precter or the




          Parsley, In my opinion the Anglosphere is not as bullet proof as, the article states. True the developing countries are becoming immersed in western popular culture, but that doesn't erase the fiscal/debt problems of our economies. I think that in 10 or 15 years we are going to be living an Oriental and or Middle Eastern version of our culture. Both as a result of declining economic power and immigration and population shift.


            Your seriously giving a thumbs up to that article?





                I decided to look at our culture, today, with fresh
                eyes, because I too often knock my culture.

                Our work ethic is phenomenal. In Fijji, I was
                amazed at their climate, the growing season, the
                lush plants and orchids and fruit,all wild, with the
                locals indulging in their particular entrenched
                inactivity: sitting, and standing, and lounging,
                chewing, and glaze-eyed; the streets not swept,
                trails into the countryside. They obviously were
                content with their lifestyle.

                I visit a farm in Saskatchewan and Im exhausted
                from watching the work of others.

                We have a culture of work and decency and
                independence and freedom and innovation worth
                working to preserve. Im not ready to concede to
                Midsle east culture, speaking mandarin and
                eating rice for breakfast. I don't see any culture
                out there I'd rather become, do you?

                If not, roll up your sleeves. Nothing guarantees
                our future and continuance like our heads up and
                our asses down approach to success Pars


                  And also our heads down,asses up methodology
                  on alternate days. We know how t d both well,
                  don't we.

                  And ask yourself, "How many farm kids do
                  YouTube in jail?".

                  We're doing something right, aren't we . pars


                    I'll give you that synopsis on other cultures i've seen it

                    But the tsunami coming......i aint running out on the
                    beach to pick up shells


                      There are many cultures thatnon their own way,
                      are successful according to their own
                      benchmarks. Castro would argue that EVERY
                      citizen receive their equal annual allotment of
                      beans. Russians enjoy their daily allotment of
                      vodka.The Saudis live by their Sharia law...
                      Nothing else is as important as it is.

                      But nor are they MY culture. They are foreign to

                      Compared to the rest of the world, cott, you are
                      plain rich. And yes, there is an economic tide
                      coming in, but you have land , which always
                      retains it's value. As long as you head into high
                      tide without unreasonable debt, bad credit , and
                      high expectations, you will swim.

                      There is not one farmer or person in ag reading
                      this post, who does not know how to cut back,
                      make do, work hard and hang tough.

                      That's quite the gang, folks. Quite the gang of
                      know-how's. . Pars


                        Parsley: If one lived north of a certain latitude, were lazy or had little work ethic, one never survived. Or worse yet, socialism took care of those.


                          You,ve noticed, 'work or freeze' can stem from a
                          cold clime! You've probably been out there
                          slugging once to often in forty below; perhaps
                          that's how a solid work culture is formed.

                          We spent almost a month in NYC and they bustle;
                          a phenomena to behold; like an anthill, as if one
                          automatically triggers the other to hustle; a work
                          and excellence contagion that sweeps through the

                          Your children watch you during harvest, or calving
                          season, or seeding time; and absorb your sense
                          of urgency to get the job finished, to be
                          productive, that will stay with them always.
                          Agriculture does it well. Pars


                            On the other hand, farmaholic, look at the
                            Angliosphere software 2009 chart. The countries
                            arent climate identical. What makes a specific
                            group of countries computer oriented? Chance?

                            What makes a group of countries production
                            oriented? Look at the top company charts.

                            What makes a group of countries invent and
                            enjoy air conditioned tractors?(You'd expect the
                            Sudan to invent air conditioning!)

                            Climate is merely one factor that builds a
                            successful culture. Pars


                              Why has the west been as economically
                              successful as it has? The Christian foundation of
                              our society. Borrowing against another's future
                              earnings is a relatively recent phenomenon, which
                              violates the Christian work ethic. Our culture's
                              straying from our roots is becoming our biggest
                              Don't want to be preachy, but our ancestors work
                              ethic is pretty clearly explained in 2 Thessalonians
                              3:6-13 (NIV)

                              "[6] In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we
                              command you, brothers, to keep away from every
                              brother who is idle and does not live according to
                              the teaching you received from us. [7] For you
                              yourselves know how you ought to follow our
                              example. We were not idle when we were with
                              you, [8] nor did we eat anyone’s food without
                              paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night
                              and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not
                              be a burden to any of you. [9] We did this, not
                              because we do not have the right to such help,
                              but in order to make ourselves a model for you to
                              follow. [10] For even when we were with you, we
                              gave you this rule: “If a man will not work, he shall
                              not eat.” [11] We hear that some among you are
                              idle. They are not busy; they are busybodies. [12]
                              Such people we command and urge in the Lord
                              Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the bread
                              they eat. [13] And as for you, brothers, never tire
                              of doing what is right."


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