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Different Marketing Meetings with Different Elevator companies?

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    Comedian framers take what they get,
    like it er lump it!! Only impartial
    terd party, is the Comedian Grain
    Commission. Who in the f&*k would waste
    time with that organ?
    Get them ta grade your grain fer a fee a
    course, or the kid at the elevator usin
    his screw sampler...... Butt framers
    kin always dream aboot a fair honest
    system where the multi'sll pay fer good
    grain and dock poorer grain.
    Unfortunately there is no such thing as
    good grain in Comedia, only marginal at
    best, im my experience!!!


      Whats wrong with the Ergot tolerance? Ergot is a poisonous fungus, and takes effort to clean out. Why wouldn't it be subject to some sort of downgrading?


        Dog patch yes it is a problem, but world specs
        are.5 not.3 like Canada. So we're over docked.
        Falling numbers is more effected by July aug rain
        during harvest of winter wheat, Canada is a spring
        crop most is above 300.
        Funny part was two companies were higher grade
        don't worry and one is lower base worry a bit. Two
        were its like canola one it's major leagues.
        Time will tell I'm probably getting a protien tester
        for fall and smaller bins ordered instead of 50000
        bushel. Durum I think we're done growing. Not
        sold on cps wheat either.
        Oh well canola acres on our farm will be down
        that I do know.


          CGC specs for ergot are 0.01% for 1CWRS, 0.02% for 2CWRS, 0.04% for 3 CWRS, 0.04% for 4CWRS


            Sorry and acceptable on world is .05



              According to this article for dreary old England, the max acceptable level of Ergot in Milling flour is 0.001%

              In it too, they say it is an offense to even sell grain with greater than 0.1% ergot by weight.


                Well the Cargil Grain buyer said that the
                Standard world wide is .05 so maybe thats
                warbiton with their special price program
                for farmers where it was .01. Ill go with
                the Cargil head.


                  Most wheat shipped to our local flour mills is a number 3 that meets falling numbers. So if the flour we are eating in Canada is .03 ergot (No. 3 tolerance), then why did we allow the CGC to set No. 1 tolerances at .01?

                  We have been hurting ourselves in selling wheat to other countries by having grading standards that are too rigid.


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