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Ottawa on track to beat deficit target.

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    Ottawa on track to beat deficit target.

    Anyone see this story? It does not seem to be getting much media attention.

    They would rather scare the hell out of the public with stories about Greece Defaulting and EU failure.

    Globe and Mail article on progress being made against Canadian government deficit.


    I hope Harper can keep making faster progress.

    The conservatives were even talking about
    spending cutbacks, civil servant layoffs,
    and closing some government departments as
    part of the next federal budget. I don't
    think that any of this is even possible
    but it is nice to dream.


      Prison building is a huge new thing fer
      the Conservative gobermont. Guess theys
      expectin ta need more space fer future law
      breakers! Always been conservative policy
      ta get tough withem, lockem up, throw away
      the keys. Ho hummmm, what else is new.
      Budget cutting, smaller, nooooooo huger
      gobermont and more senate appointments ta
      keep the balance of power in Her Harper'c
      corner. Heil Harper!!!!!!


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