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Breadwinner now being Steamrolled too!

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    Breadwinner now being Steamrolled too!

    Following the few posts shown re Rod's fire
    comes this nugget saying directors have been

    "Ken Sigurdson This threat to CWB directors was
    posted on October 27 by someone identifying
    himself as breadwinner on Agriville:
    "Yea if I run into any of you CWB dictators you
    better look out . Your families must be impressed
    to know you are dragging them into this as well.
    You crossed the line and history won't praise you
    as Heros, you are criminals. I'm pretty pissed off
    your stealing from my pooled funds and I'm sure I
    speek for many others. You better resign now!!!""

    All other contradictory comments steamrolled and
    hidden from view.

    Ah ken, the regional NFU swan river director. He can obviously post at will there.


      I surely was not threating anyone or their families
      in those comments. You are taking them out of
      context Ken, my family would not be happy if I
      was a crook stealing other peoples money, is all I
      was saying. Maybe a full audit over at the CWB
      will expose the real criminals. You guys are really
      grasping at straws trying to look like you are


        I guess these NFU guys have forgotten about Jan Slomp and his alleged threating of a minister of the crown. If what was reported was true his threats, made in person, were something to be taken seriously and should have been investigated by the RCMP.


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