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Asking for a Draconian Remedy

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    Asking for a Draconian Remedy

    216?pageNumber=2&virtualBrandChannel=0&sp=true"">D oesn't sound
    good for the crazy 8 but who knows?</a>

    Draconian to suspend Canada Wheat Board law: judge
    Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:08pm EST Print This Article [-] Text [ ]
    By Rod Nickel and Randall Palmer

    WINNIPEG/OTTAWA (Reuters) - Former directors of the Canadian Wheat
    Board asked a Manitoba court on Friday to suspend a new law ending
    the board's grain marketing monopoly, but faced skepticism from the

    While Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz celebrated the newly opened market
    for sales of western wheat and barley, the CWB's former chairman and
    farmer directors pressed ahead with their court challenge.

    "You're asking for a fairly draconian remedy," Judge Shane Perlmutter
    said of their request to have the law suspended.

    The former directors ultimately want the judge to strike down the law on
    the grounds that the former legislation governing the Canadian Wheat
    Board required Ritz to hold a farmer vote before changing the 68-year-
    old marketing monopoly.

    Federal lawyer Joel Katz said that in any case, a stay of the law would
    only apply in Manitoba and not the rest of Canada, since the appeal was
    before a provincial court.

    Despite the considerable uncertainty created by the legal challenge,
    Canada's biggest grain handler, Viterra Inc, began offering forward
    contracts for the next crop year.

    The Conservative government bill became law late Thursday, allowing
    Ottawa to take control of the board from farmers who oppose its plans to
    create an open market, effective next August.

    Ritz told a news conference in Saskatchewan that the farmer directors'
    roles ceased to exist with the passage of the bill. "They're now on winter
    vacation," he said.

    The legislation provides for the removal of the eight farmer-elected
    directors, leaving the CWB in the hands of five government-controlled
    appointees. The CWB formally pulled out of the court case on Friday

    "This feels damn good," Ritz said. "It's been a long time coming."

    For the first time since 1943, farmers, grain handlers and millers can sign
    forward contracts for next year's western grains without going through the
    Wheat Board.

    Viterra was quick out of the gate with its offer of forward contracts on
    wheat, durum and barley.

    "Viterra anticipates that the industry, farmers, customers and the economy
    will see significant benefits as further transportation and logistical
    efficiencies are realized in this positive new environment," Chief
    Executive Mayo Schmidt said.

    CWB President Ian White issued a statement saying the board is still in
    operation, though in a much different capacity, and would soon be
    announcing new pooling and cash programs for the next crop year.

    "Amid all the change, one thing remains the same: the CWB will market
    farmers' grain. We will work to achieve the best prices for farmers and
    superior service for customers in Canada and around the world," White

    Canada's second-biggest grain handler, Richardson International Ltd,
    will wait until at least after Friday's court appearances to offer forward
    contracts, said Jean-Marc Ruest, vice-president of corporate affairs.

    In the Manitoba case, the former directors seek to build on a Federal
    Court decision last week that said Ritz had breached the law in not
    holding a farmers' vote. It did not strike the law down, nor was it asked to
    do so.

    Judge Perlmutter set new hearings for January 17-18 on whether to
    suspend the law while he decides on the broader question of whether the
    new law should be struck down.

    Late on Friday he was also deciding whether to grant an immediate
    suspension of the law until those January hearings.

    If suspensions are granted, Ritz said the government would still proceed
    with plans for the revamped CWB. Asked later if it was his government's
    practice to ignore court decisions, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said:
    "No, it is not."

    He added that he certainly did not expect such a ruling.

    Western farmers have vigorously debated the value of having the CWB's
    marketing monopoly for at least 20 years.

    "I am personally looking forward to the freedom to choose where I sell my
    first load of wheat and barley," said Alberta farmer Stephen Vandervalk,
    president of the Grain Growers of Canada.

    Others have long said that marketing freedom comes at the cost of
    collectively selling grain for the best price through the CWB.

    The court case leaves farmers feeling they're in limbo as they plan next
    year's crops, said Doug Chorney, president of Manitoba's Keystone
    Agricultural Producers.

    "There's a lot of concern about the lack of certainty," he said. "Whether
    they're for the board or against the board, I haven't heard of anyone
    around here signing contracts yet."

    (The case is before the Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba, Winnipeg
    Centre, Court File No CI 11-01-75257. It is between Canadian Wheat
    Board, Allen Oberg, Rod Flaman, Cam Goff, Kyle Korneychuk, John
    Sandborn, Bill Toews, Stewart Wells and Bill Woods; and Attorney
    General of Canada.)

    (Editing by Peter Galloway, Rob Wilson and Jeffrey Hodgson)

    Does this really have to drag on till January 18th? When is the
    governments appeal being heard?


      Try the link again:

      216?pageNumber=2&virtualBrandChannel=0&sp=true">Ta king way to


        One more time

        [URL="http://ca.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idCATRE7BF0CQ20111216pageNumber=2&virtualBrandChan nel=0&sp=true"]Here goes nothing[/URL]


          "Federal lawyer Joel Katz said that in any case, a stay of the law would
          only apply in Manitoba and not the rest of Canada, since the appeal was
          before a provincial court."

          That is an interesting statement, Since Manitoba "wanted" to keep the single desk it would only seem right!?!?!?! (saying this tong firmly in cheek)
          In that case you will see the crazy8 moving east but not as far east as to not be in the Ontario open market.


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