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Just a Reminder of things the CWB did to Farmers!

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    It was CGC graders that alerted the CWB that I was delivering `OFF` board feed wheat to our local elevator...

    Then the CWB forced me to take out a CWB permit book...

    before being allowed to make any further OFF board feed wheat deliveries... (only got 1 semi in before being shut down)

    Our farm had contracted and prepriced these bookings off board feed wheat far in advance.

    No permit book, no CGC grade... no delivery. Pioneer at Gaudin was told to phone the CWB if I got a truck within 100 yards of their elevator.

    You laugh.... HaHaHa. Who exactly are the evil people in this situation.

    Thousands of growers refused to take out Permit books... and delivered off board...

    But the CGC and CWB picked on our farm to FORCE us to submit and take out a CWB permit book.


      Tom: As well you shouldn't have sold your wheat without it being recorded in the permit book...didn't you know the regulations? A "Rebel Without A Cause" must have been one of your favourite movies.


        Willagro why should it be a crime to sell off board feed wheat locally?


          Next year I'm growing Navigator durum and enterprise durum (Pioneer IP) but I am keeping back seed and selling to whomever I want to.

          Oh and when I drive around peddling my durum I am not going to wear my seatbelt. So there

          And I might go faster than the speed limit yikes.

          Yes I am afraid there are and will still be Regulaions Even after the CWB is gone.

          God Bless Canada


            OMG! It's so hard applying for a permit
            book! Wow it just keeps getting better
            and better with you Tom


              Leave your seat belt on, but I'd recommend you
              keep your pacifier for a couple more years.... at
              least until the urge to report your neighbors for
              selling their own wheat disappears.


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