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Bill C 18 wheat board changes, Questions on timing

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    Bill C 18 wheat board changes, Questions on timing

    How critical is it to get it through the senate by year end? What happens if it is not? Will it then be not possible to open the wheat market for Aug 2012, or is there still time to put it into effect if passage of the bill is delayed into Feb 2012?

    My understanding is that as long as the bill passes by august 1 marketing freedom can occur. The reason to get it passed before the house recesses is to give certainty to grain markets and farmers. Markets hate uncertainty. It will take time for companies to gear up and that is why Aug 1 was chosen. The last thing we need is for the group of 8 to have access to our money for the next couple of months. Who knows, they might buy more boats, or even a railway.


      Its in a state of flux. Continued
      monitering of the ongoing situation by
      Comedian framers will result in level
      playing fields fer all Comedians. Won't


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