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More Psing away your Money Brought to you by your Beloved CWB!!!!!!!

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    More Psing away your Money Brought to you by your Beloved CWB!!!!!!!

    The Canadian Wheat Board has added print, radio, TV and web advertising campaigns to the ammunition pile in its fight against the federal government's plans to end the board's single marketing desk.

    The new campaign, titled "Stop the steamroller," also includes a web page within the CWB's own site, and urges Canadians to voice their opposition via texts to federal members of Parliament.

    The multimedia blitz follows the CWB's application Oct. 26 for a judicial review in Federal Court of the government's Bill C-18.

    The bill's legislative package, which lays out a five-year process to wind down the CWB's single desk for Prairie wheat and barley by August 2012 and either privatize or fold the CWB by mid-2017, is expected to pass next month on the weight of the Conservatives' majority in the House of Commons.

    "We're asking Canadians to help us send a clear message to the Harper Government that we will not be steamrolled by their anti-democratic processes," board chairman Allen Oberg, a farmer from Forestburg, Alta., said in a board release Wednesday.

    "The Harper government is acting ruthlessly, unethically and illegally and the outcome is that Canadian farmers are at risk of losing their livelihood."

    The campaign, Oberg said, "is about standing up to a bully government that is acting recklessly," said Oberg. "To date, we still have not seen any business case on why the CWB should be eliminated and no plan for its future. No farmers have been consulted and this legislation is against their wishes."


    Among the CWB's talking points in this campaign are warnings that without the CWB, small farmers "will be left to negotiate their own prices with giant American food conglomerates" and "farms that have been in families for generations may be bought out by American and multinational companies."

    Farmers, the CWB said, "will have to compete not only against each other but also against much larger companies that can afford to set their prices lower because they have such great volume of grain" and the "hundreds of millions of dollars that the CWB makes for Prairie farmers will instead go to private grain company profits."

    The CWB's move to take Ottawa to court -- similar to a previous application by a pro-CWB group, Friends of the Canadian Wheat Board -- was among the reasons given by two pro-deregulation members of the CWB's board of directors for handing in their resignations in the past two weeks.

    When will the nightmare end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2012.


      Just who EXACTLY is the BULLY in all this? The Ships, The buybacks, The restricted sales on Durum... the list goes on and on. And then there was the Campaign with the BULL against us that the CWB WON National awards for placing in accross the Designated area.

      I call BULL on the BULLY... the CWB steamroller has finally met its match!

      Using defenceless farmers money... who have no way to stop Chairman Oberg... expecting us to use more of our own money against the the CWB... who confiscates our property to fight us... is not exactly the work of folks with courage and integrity!

      Commercial growers I speak with... that used to be 100 percent behind the CWB... are saying enough is enough chairman Oberg. Get on with the job placed before you, stop the Bull and the Bullying... spend your own money not ours!


        I wish they would stop wasting our money and just market a different crop if they don't like what the gov't is bringing down.


          I A person has to wonder how much these anal
          pore are spending full page ads don't come
          cheap. Funny how they can use an act of
          parliament that takes away a farmers individual
          rights and then when a government brings in an
          act to give them back their the ones that are
          acused of being undemocratic Only in Canada


            There is nothing different here except for the fact the
            CWB has made a PUBLIC display of wasting our money
            rather than hiding it behind a veil of secrecy!

            That $3/bu has to be spent somewhere!!!!!


              When those eight ****heads get turfed, I just hope they send the auditors in and find how much money they lost or spent.

              Then I hope they take every one of those eight directors to the cleaners. I hope to see Stewie, Cammie, Allen on the streets or under a bridge like the trolls they are.


                I authorize the cwb to spend, whatever
                it takes, to fend off this attack! Its
                just like the yanks who have been
                attacking us fer years, witout any luck,
                cousin we are right. Comedian framers
                attackin themselves, attempting to
                destroy their own marketing bored.
                Shotin themselves in the foot. Heres
                another thought. LETS PAY THE RAILWAYS


                  God that was intelligent.


                    IF that marketing board gave us the premium they say they do or one could do a FPC that was even close to or god forbid higher than a daily minni price this whole CWB fight would not exsist. The performance of the CWB has been so dissmal the past four years and we as farmers get nothing but excuses about lower prices, it is time for change. The CWB has been doing exactly what pro-cwb are fighting against - shafting us with below average wheat and barley prices. Your own beloved marketing board is screwing you but you fail to see it - sad realy.


                      Guess which option I accepted today out of SE Sask.

                      1) $5.00 feed barley into Manitoba (fob) through a Commodity firm.

                      2) $5.00 feed barley through the CWB on a buyback (fob) into the US.


                        I wonder who paid for that glossy brochure that I received in the mail this week extolling the "FREEDOM" that the government is soon to bestow on you hard working farmers. What did that cost? Why was it necessary to mail that to every Tom, Dick and Harry in Canada?

                        It was also printed in the two "official languages" that somebody believes is the way we should receive all information. That costs us "double" what it should and is wasteful. You "taxpayers" should all be up in arms over this needless expense.


                          Got quoted a $1.60/bu above minni futures($9.25) for 14 pro wheat fob minni, FPC just abouve $8.22. Freight would be the same or lower loading my own cars. This 30% pay cut is courtesy the CWB. Enough said.


                            The CWB website is bilingual Wil. Maybe you
                            should suggest to the next whet Board that they
                            scrap the French and forward all French inuqiriea
                            to the French Commissioner. Pars


                              Good plan parsley, but anything remotely connected with our federal government has to provide service in "the other official language" where warranted and gawd knows where that may be so they have to have it every freakin place to make sure that some itinerant traveler or tourist that comes by and asks a question is answered properly or they will squawk until they get their way.


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