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WCWGA launches action against CWB

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    Soon as I can,I will be taking out a membership in the WCWGA. In the mean time,way to go...


      Rockhound, if you can cashflow it great. Everyone's needs are different. That's why we need marketing freedom, one size doesn't fit all.

      Our wheat moved well last year, I expect the same this year. I do push hard for delivery though.

      I can't pretend to know your business needs but here are some other thoughts on our decision. First, we are fairly highly leveraged. Bankers don't like it when you have loans that could be revolved and you're not selling grain because of "ideaology". Also, I'm always concerned about storage losses. we also want to get work done. We have a decent size cow herd and don't want to be moving grain next summer when we should be haying.

      I just like turning grain into cash. Postive cash flow is more important to us than profit. Sound crazy? Profit can be a mnipulated number but positive cash flow is always real (at least to us).

      Remember Rockhound these are just our thoughts for us. Do what works for you. I don't blame anyone for not wanting to deliver to the CWB right now. Oberg and his clown troup don't inspire confidence.


        Oberg and company seem to think they are above the law. The wheatgrowers are going to put that one to the test.


          We have signed an A contract.We really have to move some product. We don't have the option to sit on it.


            Would you give a bunch a thieves, a blank
            cheque. I'm afraid giving the CWB anything right
            now is just a donation.


              Think I mentioned this a while back, it,s about time, thanks Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association, I can hear those pinko commy RATS starting to squeal, Oberg and the gang of RATS are going down and hopefully money out of thier pockets.


                Way to go. Glad to see someone trying to stop the foolishness (stupidness)of Oberg and his thugs.


                  May as well donate the proceeds from a bin of non-
                  board wheat to the wheat growers because I'm sure it
                  won't be worth anything from board by the end of this.


                    charliep your strategy is correct, just can't seem to
                    find anywhere that will buy low protein right now. As
                    far as I've heard from every local elevator CWB only
                    shipping 13.5 pro and higher. None to be found out
                    here. Amazing how the CWB can make things work for
                    them yet tell me how much they are doing for me.


                      All for one and one for all. Love you wheat


                        Been a member since my last chat with certain board managers!
                        Every industry needs a advocacy/lobby group that lives in the real world and has the ear of government.


                          Most of my wheat piled. Doing A. Need something to frame along with final book.


                            JBBB......I`m thinking your grain may `change` protein given a `different` market enviornment!!!It will be to your benefit!!!!!!!!!!!!


                              Had no choice after 2010, need the cash flow.


                                How about alta barley commission, are u
                                in or continue refund check out
                                deduction, no cookie for u. Good to put
                                gun to head (cwb).


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