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regulated access

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    regulated access

    The CWB has asked for regulated access to country elevators and port facilities.

    I am sure any grain company would willingly enter into a handling agreement with the new cwb. Graincos are in the business of handling grain regardless of who owns it.

    The area where it gets tricky is when the cwb and the grainco both offer a daily cash price. I cant see where that situation will work. The new cwb may be limited to offering a pool price.

    So many questions that will need to be answered in the next few months. These are exciting times for western canada.

    Cwb tells us they always get the higher priced
    sales, so their daily price should always be
    better. Ha ha.


      And why does this take so long for them to ask for this. The negotiations for something like this should have begun months ago. For the CWB too survive in any form they will need guaranteed access to elevators for a set handling charge. this board is incompetent.


        What exactly does that mean? Are they asking for preferential shipping?

        At present, board grains pay top dollar for elevation; if the CWB simply continued to pay that rate, wouldn't that be enough to entice the grain companies to handle their product?

        What's up with always having to employ the heavy hand of regulation? Is this where they are planning to gain their competitive advantage if the government doesn't cave to the yearly payment of taxpayer dollars transition monies?
        If the CWB actually obtained "premium prices" they wouldn't need subsidies and regulations to be able to compete.


          Okay, I'll check out your belly button this
          morning.  Imagine regulated access fine-tuned. 

          LD buys land and farms. So does Cargill. So
          does Viterra. One Earth. The National
          Consolidation of Hutterite Colonies Inc and the
          National Millers Assoc Farms Inc.  BASF. Bayer.  
          Pharmaceuticals 101 Inc.  et.al 

          They form a committe and hire a Richie to lobby
          and be kind, in kind, to govt. 

          **They buy chem and fert at near cost. 
          **They lobby to restrict only identity preserved  
          varieties have access to port, claiming..... " to
          avoid another Triffid fiasco"
          **They grow specific varieties they own that no
          one else can grow.  
          **They market only varieties they own, through
          the facilities they own,through the ports  they own
          **It's vertical integration at it's finest because they
          have government regulation to back them up.
          Aka fascism in the good old politically incorrect
          **They buy out the bravehearts and silvers and
          gregpets first, whilst continuing to mandatory-
          checkoff the  sask3's at 30% towards death, until
          his kids see farming as a dead loss.  Finally,  
          sask3  sells to the corp who won the monthly
          CheapLand Opportunity draw, free from
          competitive bidding during the entertainment
          portion of their monthly meeting.

          Good news is a  hundred thousand farmers
          exiting  is inconsequential to central planning  
          With the skill sets cott and bucket and per and
          ranger have, jobs will court them.  I'll retire  The  
          charliep's  get to enjoy their  gold-plated pension
          plans.  wd is the world  manager of
          WorldFarmInc. but takes a nostalgic interest in
          the Canadian division , especially when he and
          Richie go 18 rounds of golf  

          Ritz will be stuffed and prominently displayed  in
          an agricultural hall of fame plaza in Winnipeg'a
          new Liberal 
          Human Right's Commission Museum, perched on
          the right hand desk  of Stuffy Goodale. Leader of
          NDP is under the desk. 
          The rest of you will buy milk and eggs from
          freewheat (he's the only one  who knows how to
          milk a cow) because the flour and grains shipped
          to the stores in the rural boonies, (that's you and
          I), is IP genetically modified, and referred to in
          the trade as ETS. 
          Eliminate the stupid.
          The trade never could keep  a secret. 
          Oh I do have  imagination, don't I. pars. 


            Parsley - That was a little Dark. Hopefully Hutterite Inc. Is paying a good dollar for farm land. Maybe we can get an extra $300 - $400 per acre for the stored moisture we have. Should be some good employment oportunities at these large corps. If we get in early maybe we can get a ridiculas bonus structure in our employment contracts.


              parsley: I love it...you are a true sage...must be that Norsk blood.


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