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aussie wheat all low protein!

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    aussie wheat all low protein!

    hang on to your wheat, the aussie stuff is lo lo lo.


    The US has a great 2011 crop with very good quality.

    DNS1 13.9px average;
    HRW1 12.4px average;
    HAD2 13.9px average.

    Good falling #'s and ash content.


    Overall the CWB is the same with good quality.

    Here is the US Wheat associates report Oct.7/11.


    Wheat futures traded mixed again this week with losses in Chicago and Kansas City and a gain in Minneapolis. USDA’s lower than expected HRS production estimates last week continue to support MGEX prices. External financial markets, improved weather conditions and a firm US dollar all contributed to the pressure on CBOT and KCBT futures. CBOT lost 4 cents to end the week at $6.08/bu and KCBT closed at $6.85/bu, down 20 cents from last week. MGEX gained 27 cents to close the week at $9.20/bu. The CBOT nearby corn contract gained 8 cents this week to close at $6.00/bu while the January soy contract lost 22 cents to end at $11.70/bu.
    Stats Canada released its latest estimates of 2011/12 Canadian wheat production this week. The government statistical group forecasts Canada to produce 17.2 MMT of spring wheat, a reduction from last month of 122 TMT and down 1 percent from last year. The winter wheat forecast increased to 2.98 MMT, up 12 percent over last year, and durum production increased 191 TMT this month to 3.94 MMT, up 30 percent year over year. Total wheat was set at 24.2 MMT, up 4 percent from last year and 84 TMT greater than last month. The USDA’s current forecast for Canadian production is 24.0 MMT.
    Analytical firm Informa Economics released its updated world wheat estimates Wednesday, increasing its 2011/12 global wheat production estimate by 3.1 MMT to 683.4 MMT. Greater production estimates for Canada, Kazakhstan and Australia accounted for the increase. The Canadian production forecast increased 1.1 MMT to 25.2 MMT, Kazakhstan and Australia each increased 1.0 MMT to 17.0 MMT and 26.0 MMT, respectively.

    In its report released this week, European Union grain industry lobby Coceral increased its 2011 soft wheat production forecast for the 27-country bloc. Coceral estimates production at 128.4 MMT, an increase of 1.9 MMT from its July forecast and 0.5 MMT greater than last year.

    The Baltic Panamax Index gained this week due to increased coal demand from China. The index closed at 1,913 on Friday, up from 1,726 last week.

    Despite early week gains, the dollar closed virtually unchanged this week. It remains at its highest point since mid-February. The ICE Dollar Index stood at 78.63 on Friday, up from 78.60 a week ago.

    All the CWB just proved... is that the basis they FORCE on 'CWB Designated Area' growers... proves the 'single desk' has NO functional ability to provide a premium to growers it confiscates wheat and barley from.

    What a sad waste of time and money the present controling CWB Directors and Management are. If I wanted to give our families grain away... I can easily do it... without the forced implementation of a very flawed CWB marketing plan on our farm.

    The US wheat/Durum marketing system proves much better self - discipline than the CWB provides. As does our Canadian Canola system. Chairman Oberg needs to admit the CWB August PR mettings his CWB crew flung at us; were deceptions and misleading presentations.

    If the CWB had stocks and security commissions were involved... they would be very likely up on misrepresentation charges at a minimum... if not fraud chaims.


      australian crop is rather large this year hedgehog and over a vast area theres only one small pocket started harvesting.
      Traditionally we get above average protien were we farm so will keep you in formed.


        how large is it? should i be selling?


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