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Is Black Friday on its way again!

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    i wonder if part of the reason for this is not only the beggar thy neighbor attitude of the americans as well as an effort to turn this from an american currency crisis to a european debt and banking crisis.


      countries are really just big farms.
      if you borrowed all your net worth to build a fancy house and concrete and glass office, and paid half your staff not to work, you would be bankrupt in a flash.
      thats where USA and Britain are.
      southern europe is a bit different


        Hey anyone remember when our economy forcasters forcasted a Chinese economic colapse or slow down??? Ya say shit, when we just realized they were all wrong. Our farms are in about the best shape ever been right?
        Be carefull guys there are huge forces swinging world economics these days.



          Is it just possible China/India are riding the mother of all bubbles... and if/when it pops the whole system will colapse... isn't this the most likely outcome???


            Do you guys really think commodity prices are going to tank?

            World still needs oil - it is up today...

            World still needs to eat - no real oversupplies of grain or meat anywhere.

            Interest rates are likely to stay down for a while longer...not too much inflation.

            I guess I am wary but not too concerned the world economies are going to collapse.


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