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Statistics Canada Stocks Report Released Today

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    Statistics Canada Stocks Report Released Today

    Statscan released the July 31 stocks report. Biggest surprise was canola - 2010 crop under estimated by close to 1 million tonnes.

    [URL="http://www.statcan.gc.ca/daily-quotidien/110907/t110907a1-eng.htm"]July 31 Stocks[/URL]

    That report was a real nonevent. I guess nobody believes it or they saw it coming.


      You are right. A non event that barely rates a yawn.

      The first hint the trade uses on availability is delivery patterns. Deliveries have been strong through the summer - an indication of adequate supplies. I canola would have been at bin bottoms, deliveries would have tightened and basis levels been a lot stronger.

      Am amazed how my back of a cigarette formula works for canola and soybean oil. Multiply soybeans oil futures prices by 1,000 and you get canola futures.


        I cleaned out my bins at a zero basis, thought that was alright.


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