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Oberg in 2006 on who should vote!

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    Oberg in 2006 on who should vote!

    Dear John et al.;

    Oberg said whoever can grow any grain... should vote!

    Starts at the 5 minute point of the Senate Video.


    <embed id=VideoPlayback src=http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=7343119493424743173&hl=en&f s=true style=width:400px;height:326px allowFullScreen=true allowScriptAccess=always type=application/x-shockwave-flash> </embed>

    Oberg said one person ONE vote.

    Yet many many growers have been eliminated... because of 'actual producers' being a 'farm' instead of the people who farm...

    While land lords in multiple permit books get multiple ballots.

    The CWB knows full well this is going on... yet has done NOTHING to stop those who the CWB itself sent multiple ballots to... from voteing many times.

    This people at the CWB are neither honest... nor do they have any integrety when holding this plebicite!

    I say Chairman Oberg... you are Very unfair and a hypocrite.

    Confiscating our money and wasteing it on this farce of a ballot... is fraud to any rational democratic principal!


      This is not a democaratic issue. This is an economic issue. The vote should be 1 Tonne-1 vote. The people who suffer (benefit) the most should have the say. We all know that 20% produce 80% of the production. This would acknoledge the fact and still give a voice to the estates, landlords and what ever.

      Having said that, it is a mute point as it is cahnging in less than 11 months.


        2 years ago I said .When a contract was made out ask if you would have liked to market this grain on your own. CWB would have known exactly where they stand with the real producers out there. Would have also gave real direction for the future of the CWB.


          Homeless people shouldn't vote. Also fat people shouldn't vote because they are draining our healthcare system.

          SO there.


            One thing is for sure, dead people shouldn't and can't vote in a federal election. They are in the cwb elections.



              Sounds like you think those who want to keep the CWB 'single buying desk' should be the folks entitled to vote!

              They voted early and often!!!


                Oberg finally set the bar. My 2 sons who both farm a half secton apiece have had their request for a permit book put on hold.Apparantly because they use my equipment they dont qualify for one. Other son who had a book last year is under review.Malt deliveries now put on hold. Communist bastards = CWB


                  Oberg on grain company economics:
                  "there's on;y one way they can increase their earnings and that's really to have farmers make less."

                  Wow - good thing he's not running a grain company....


                    RD414 that just goes to show the CWB doesn't
                    want young people who have a stake in the
                    future of farming to have a vote. They they let
                    your retired landlords have a vote, but not your
                    sons.  And then we get to hear the hypocritical
                    claims of listening to farmers wishes.

                    It's looking less and less like it's about respecting
                    the wishes of farmers and more and more like
                    it's just the forced supplying of grain  to the CWB
                    so that they can extract a share for their own
                    wages, pensions, and benefits.


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