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RIP Jack Layton!

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    RIP Jack Layton!

    Jack Layton passed away early this morning. I'll
    be the first to admit it I didn't like the guys
    politics, but as a person he seemed like a nice
    guy, maybe the media was right a guy to go have
    a beer with. Cancer sucks it takes to many to
    soon, I lost a great uncle last fall to cancer and it
    still bugs me.
    So to jacks family deepest condolences for your

    Ya cancer sucks but why wasn't his health vetted or questioned more closely during the last campaign. Look who would now be PM of our country had he pulled off the win.
    Was it his politics that caused him and his wife to live in subidized housing(while both making six figures), or was it the personality of the guy you'd like to have a beer with?
    Jack's lucky to be going out on a high note and will always be associated with the NDPs big win in Quebec, however it wasn't that impressive in the ROC.


      Don't get me wrong I hate the guys politics. Just
      ps me off that cancer has been around so long
      and no cure. I like you wish the media would
      have pushed him on how sick he really was, he
      could have won and been pm if the liberals didn't
      fall apart and now we would have had a sepratist
      for pm. Media needs to do a better job.


        My thoughts are with his children.


          Wow! That was fast. He had so much energy during the campaign. Never would have guessed he was that sick.


            Gotta wonder how much the campaign took out
            of him. 61 is way too young. Nice guys are
            supposed to finish last.


              He looked like death warmed over in his last appearance, didn't think he would return.. None of us know exactly when our time is up. All we can do is live normally as if we will go on indefinitely. perhaps if had been given 10% chance of surviving before the election was called, he should have bowed out of the leadership. I am not in agreement with all their policies but he seemed to be someone that could relate to everyone. R.I.P.


                I didn't share his politics, but I admired his spunk.

                My best memory of him was seeing him with his family and how happy they were together. There was genuine love there.

                His sharp as a razor barbs stung both Liberanos and Conservatives equally.


                  Listening to CJOB this morning makes me think that Jack himself probably didn't even know how sick he actually was at election time, let alone the media. Even if he did have an inclination, he was too positive and strong willed to step aside, or maybe stubborn and in denial. I still haven't heard, maybe because no one even knows (ie the doctors), what the last cancer was that Jack talked about during last month's media announcement.

                  As for a cure as SKF3 mentioned, I strongly think that we're going about it the wrong way. There's too much focus on treating the disease and not enough effort and education on prevention. Based on my experiences in agriculture and my own health as well as paying attention to my friends and families', I strongly believe that we create and exacerbate diseases.


                    Hopefully this is the final nail in the Coffin of Thee SOB NDP. The amount of damage Theys have done to my Once Great Province over the Years is unfathomable, Good place for him & Good Riddance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!www.youtube.com/embed/wvzDHGLEUyw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

                    <iframe width="420" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/SGjVJvOS8SU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

                    <iframe width="420" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/sbIixJI_oa4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

                    <iframe width="420" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/JGsSEqsGLWM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

                    <iframe width="420" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/DoUl7F7dWdE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

                    <iframe width="560" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/zo6SnvmMP9k" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


                      You are a real class act BTO. Where the H do
                      you come from? Who raised you? Poor sole.


                        To Quote Sarah Palin,

                        "WTF, BTO!"


                          Wow bto...


                            Truth Hurts People. I came from my Mother. Do you mean Soul as in My Heartless Soul or Sole as in Me all alone???? F***in English Dictionary Eh????? So many Meanings & Spellings of one word. Life's a Bitch, & Death is her Sister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                              Your dad should have pulled out...the world would be a better place


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