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BiPole III........

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    BiPole III........

    Things are coming out in The Wash now Boys & Girls!!!!!! We might actually have a Chance at stopping this Deal from HELL!!!!! Shut These Bastards Down Once & fer all this Fall Oct.4, 2011!!!!!!!!!


    On Wednesday, Progressive Conservative Leader Hugh McFadyen said he found it curious that Brennan's retirement comes on the eve of a provincial election campaign in which Hydro, and the NDP's decision to build the Bipole III transmission line down a more expensive route on the west side of the province, will be a front-burner issue.

    McFadyen has said if he's elected premier Oct. 4, he'll cancel that route in favour of a shorter and less costly east-side route without jeopardizing environmental concerns.

    "He's been required to defend a decision which is indefensible," he said. "In light of the timing immediately prior to the start of an election campaign, it makes you think that political interference played a role in this."

    I agree the west route is a total screw up to cater to the natives and the UN.


      Gagstarr77, The funny thing is The Indians want it down The East Side also. Theys have not even been contacted over this BiPole III. The Proof is in The Pudding, Someones pockets are getting Filled on this Deal. And when I find out who, Better Run, We work under the cover of Darkness. Like I said before God Forgives, I Don't!!!!!!!!!!!


        What has the 'UN' got to do with it?


          Doer government received UN organization award for preserving boreal forest on east side of Lake Winnipeg. Whoopee do.


            I believe it was for attracting a UNESCO World Heritage Site for the Boreal forest.


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