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So just who has the ridiculus argument

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    So just who has the ridiculus argument

    CWB Director of sales Brian Gwyer is accusing the western wheat growers of ridiculus arguments in it's price comparison between U.S. wheat and Durum and the CWB pool prices. Part of his argument is that these average prices are not necessarily accessed or used. Is that like saying that walmarts sale price is not necessarily correct because people don't always buy on sale. What's seems to be lost on Mr Gwyer is that an american farmer could sell a portion of his crop every week or every month through the year and likely do better than our highly paid selling experts at the CWB. If we assume that some farmers sell in the bottom 1/3 of the market and some sell in top third of the market some farmers are doing even better than the average. The Board wants us all to believe that in an open market we are all stupid marketers. He then puts his foot further in his mouth by insinuating that American wheat is of better quality. This from an organization that claims it sells the best wheat in the world. Reality is that the Board is making the ridiculus arguments. Our job is to just say that we're sorry and we couldn't possibly understand something like grain marketing. Give me a break.

    Yes, the boardies muddy the water to try and make it appear deep.


      C'mom Craig, Brian is only fighting for his job. Lucrative job. Perks. And benefits. All supplied. compliments of you. With no accountability.

      You can bet if CWB staff manage to probation at say, Cargill, they'll have a worksheet that demands each one to account for he accomplished in a day, how much grain he sold and what kind of price he got.

      Going to be a lot of confused Wheat Board staff screaming for their custom blankeys, provided by you boys.

      When you go to the CWB meetings, watch for nervous staff with wrinkled thumbs.

      Don't sit beside them. They'll smell peepee. Pars


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