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Just a thought about this high priced land rental agreements

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    Just a thought about this high priced land rental agreements

    With farmers paying higher rent and new land owners some new to buying land. Why don't you put into the rental agreement some sort of protection for yourself. Do the new land owners think we are land of plenty and nothing can go wrong?

    1 Put in there Min amount of rain per year or rent to be adjusted.
    2 Put in there fall Frost date, or rent adjusted accordingly
    3 Put in there Gross value of grain harvested priced Nov. 31st after harvest, if lower than an amount then adjust rent accordingly
    4 Hail damage to be taken directly off of rent payment. Land owner can buy his own correct?
    5 Jesus Christ, excuse me, don't pay the dam land taxes.

    I am not into paying these inflated prices lately or even thinking about taking on more land though prices are correct today for expansion, land owners don't neccessarily know our safety nets nor the amount of risk when growing a crop. Why not try for some of these plusses to farming the land? Like stick it to them up the ass sort of speaking. Pay an extra 5 dollars per acre to save 30 is the idea. Guess I have been through tooo much shit in 10 years perhaps

    What is even worse is guys bidding land rents up and the crop is not even off yet.

    Out of the blue my landlords are calling asking to pay more for next year because some dumbshit is trying to bid it up.

    Almost to the point to tell them to take a leap.

    First, I have never went and seen someone elses landlord if it rented. And if there is a rumour about land being given up, I wait to see what the renter is doing, sometimes talk to them first. Then its fair game.

    I guess if you want to be a first class asshole you can do it the backdoor way.


      Stupid is as stupid does.


        in the irish land war, "land grabbers" were shunned by society and boycotted, ie no one would work for them.
        it stopped the rent stupidity at the time , 120 yrs ago


          Its called competition



            Someone will always break rank.

            Hopper as far as labeling someone an asshole for not getting permision to rent land the neighbor has rented. I don't think that is a fair assesment I have seen first hand several times, where you practice the good neighbor policy, and some other 3rd party swoops in and rents the land. Who wins then?

            I agree these prices are set by competition, and its up to each farm to determine what number works for them. If someone approaches me about land that my neighbor farms, there is a good chance they have contacted 10 others.

            Most of my agreements are cash rent based on gross sales of the farm. For example if I rent 1000 acres from Landlord A and my farm is 5000 acres. If I sell 1 million dollars worth of grain my landlord gets a certain percentage of 20% of the total (1000 ac is 20% of 5000) say that Cetain percentage is 15% my rent Calculation would be (1000000 X 20% = $200000)(200000 X 15% = $30000) $30000/1000Ac $30 per ac. This is the best way I have found to tie rent to the performance of the farm and it seems to work good.


              We have been on the side lines for a few years here. It is funny to watch the shit show and hear the prices some of these ass clowns are paying. It will correct itself, just a matter of time. Funny thing is every one of these expansion guys here have crops full of disease b/c there is no money left in the kitty to look after their crops beyond light rate herbicides. Kinda retarded to pay big $, put in all the effort of seeding, spray half rates then watch the crop deteriorate. That extra $20/ac put into your own crop and not land rent has paid 5x easy the past few years.


                RENT, IS RENT, IS RENT, Only scumbags try
                to weasel outta paying. Bad year, too
                much rain, to little rain, too many bugs,
                not enough bugs. Grain prices too low,
                grain prices to high. You don't need the
                money yous got lots anyways. YEAH the
                weasel are always working on the old men
                that are rentin dirt......


                  How many more acres do you have to farm to cover that extra $60/ac that aggressive growth cost. By the time a guy pays $20 too much rent, $4 for some extra ass' in seats, $20-some extra for that shinny new machinery to cover all them acres and $10 extra intrest what are you ahead?


                    Did not mean to weasel out of paying rent if something goes bad, the idea is to have something written in to pass some of the gamble onto the owner. Owner not refering to the old local landlords but the new big investment companies with unlimitted funds. Mbtrud I suppose your well insured and know your history. Do you open your books or is local land lord in a trust situation? I don't think an investment company would go for that deal.


                      As far as I know the only way to get out of a rental agreement would be to be in a bankrupt situation.


                        Or a disappearing act.


                          I know what you mean Furrow Tickler. I have been on the sidelines for the last couple years in the same area. Ridiculous prices for rent! How about the cleaver field behind the hamlin elevators or the wild oat patch of peas across the highway from the water drillers. Both operations who have expanded and paid the big bucks to do so.


                            after ten yrs of highest bidder gets it, farms round here start to look decidedly ragged.
                            no one does the wild oats, fixes burst drains, keeps fences tight.
                            only minimal p and k applied if any, and no lime.
                            owner gains cash in short term, but loses big long term.
                            but then accountants dont understand soil husbandry.


                              BTO is Late, sorry fer the Wait. So I should er shouldn't renta pilea Land this Fall fer $70-$125 an acre??? Farming is Business, Not here to Make Friends, Chisel & Cheat The Sob's. Sit on the Sidelines Hutts & Corpies gon geter'all. Will look after Manitoba where it matters, but the resta yous are on yer own. Picked up another 2700 acres without raising Rent $0.01, Farming Practices got em' Burnt. f*** it, Theys tell me Numbers Never Lie, Renter'all fer Top Dollar, Everything Profit. Wake up in The Morning, Take a Piss & Wash my Hands, Take a Knee & Thank The Man, Now get Back to The Money!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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