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Anyone else just get a call from Olberg

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    There you are Tom...Camrose on the 16th of Aug. Not too far for a drive to put in your 2 1/2 cents worth and also find out how your CWB will function after the "change".



      Chairman Oberg knows exactly what I think. Why would I waste his time and mine... bothering him with facts he already knows... especially when Allen could care less about the future of the voluntary CWB after he retires.

      Chairman Oberg is shameless. Cheap feed for his cattle is a very high priority of the single desk he would maintain through manditory pooling. Contingency funding and basis manipulation are key elements of the CWB taxing grain growers who need a cash price with no pool strings attached.

      What possible productive result could come from my attendance at this Mis-information distribution event Wilagro???


        Most of the previous posts are just offensive.

        I am sure Viterra, Cargil, Bunge .... will be inviting you to a public meeting to discuss the benefits of an open market.


          Whats offensive is the fact that if you don't hand your wheat over to the Board today they put you in jail. Whats even more offensive is that there are actually some farmers out there who think this is a great thing.


            "The only thing worse than being in a bad relationship is being in a bad relationship plus one day."

            I'll credit that one to DR. Phil as he frequently states it.

            The Conservatives are not following this thought on the CWB file for the significant number of farmers who could care less if the CWB survives.



              The CWB Minister told the CWB... as did the Canadian Courts...

              TO STOP spending my money on promoting the CWB 'single desk'.

              CWB Chairman Allen Oberg is directly breaking the law of Canada.

              NOW that is offensive.


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