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CWB Producer Surveys vs the CWB Plebiscite

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    CWB Producer Surveys vs the CWB Plebiscite

    The CWB conducts producer surveys twice a year. The most recent one was conducted between April 1st and April 15th and released June 29, 2011. The next one is planned for the fall.

    They ask loads of questions. The ones I’m interested in are those that relate to the question of marketing freedom.

    On the question whether you want the status quo (single desk) or the open market (presumably without the CWB in any form) for wheat, 59% of farmers say they want the status quo.

    When the question offers a third option – the “dual market” - the support for the status quo drops to 41%; the dual market option picks up 45% approval – more prefer the dual market idea to the status quo. (The rest want an open market without the CWB at all.)

    On barley, farmers faced with just two options – status quo or open market – showed only 37% support the status quo. (It’s been this low for years; makes you wonder why the CWB has never listened to farmers and given up barley. But that’s an argument for another day.)

    When the question offers a third option – the “dual market” – the support for the status quo drops to 29%; the dual market option picks up 40% approval. (The rest don’t want the CWB involved at all.)

    The CWB has constantly and consistently said that the concept of a “dual market” is impossible. Under the “myths” section of its website, the CWB states: “The dual market is a myth. There either is or is not a single desk.” According to Allen Oberg, “the CWB is the single desk”. No single desk – no CWB.

    I believe there are many things the CWB could be doing in an open market, if it only had the vision to see past its single desk. It seems that close to half the farmers out there agree.

    I think farmers understand the “dual market” idea – the idea that the CWB could perform services even without the single desk. Restated, the three optional answers to the question are (1) the status quo (no change) – “solely CWB”; (2) a voluntary CWB operating in an open market - the dreaded “dual marketing”; and (3) an open market with no CWB in any form – the “open market”.

    Much of the 59% and 37% support for the single desk on wheat and barley, respectively, is soft support. It’s clear that many of them would have opted for a voluntary CWB – if given the choice.

    There are three points to be made here:

    1. Assuming the CWB surveys over the years have been conducted in a fair and reasonable manner, and the “plebiscite” is also fair, there is no reason to believe that the results will be any different. Why do we need a “plebiscite” that is really just another survey?

    2. The CWB’s own surveys have shown the majority of farmers want a choice including a different CWB – not the status quo. You can be sure the CWB’s plebiscite won’t reflect that.

    3. None of this really matters. Not the surveys, not the plebiscite. Voting on how someone conducts his personal business is not the same as voting in an election. One is a vote on how to run the affairs of an organization; the other is a vote on how to run someone else's affairs.

    This plebiscite is one really big red herring. It’s a stall tactic. Why else engage in a big, expensive exercise that will not mean anything in the grand scheme of things?

    The CWB is conducting the “plebiscite” to draw attention to what they are saying is the government’s rejection of farmers’ “democratic rights”. They’re hoping people will feel badly for the poor farmer and put pressure on the government to back down.

    They’re saying farmers need to be able to decide for themselves (by a vote) how their grain is marketed (not government). How ironic. Those that want marketing freedom from the CWB have been saying that is all they’ve ever wanted – the freedom to decide for themselves.

    You don’t make decisions for yourself by a vote; that’s how you make decisions for others.

    Quote of the day:

    I wish there was a way of getting the message out to people... IF 99% of farmers voted in favour of keeping the single desk, what right does that give those people to say where and who the rest of the 1% must sell their wheat and barley to or through!!!

    This has been driving me nuts for years!

    John De Pape

    It would seem that the remaining 1% would be grain company executives. If so they can go piss up a rope.


      I'd be in the 1% dingle nuts.

      John, well stated again.


        I have always considered the right to choose how I market my grain a human rights issue. And in Canada everyone has rights whether you are a majority or minority. A vote on a human rights issue is irrelevant.


          Why would we put any value on a CWB Plebiscite when the producer survey has consistently shown the majority of producers don't want the CWB marketing their barley.The result even if it favored an open market would be ignored by the directors. Anybody who controls the voters list and asks the questions it wants can get the result it wants. The survey clearly shows the support of the board is tenuous at best and will only get worse overtime. Farms are getting bigger and operators younger. The big mistake the board made is that it forgot to listen to what farmers were telling them and forged ahead with it's own agenda.


            Way off the original topic but interesting to do the math comparing CWB total reciepts to permit book holders. Wheat deliveries to the CWB in 2009/10 were about 19 million tonnes (annual report). That is made up of 15.6 million tonnes of wheat ex durum and 3.4 million tonnes of durum. The CWB press release indicates there are currently 68,000 permit book holders eligible to vote plus those who qualify using a statuatory declaration. My math may be wrong but it would seem to work out the average permit book holder delivered about 280 tonnes of wheat in 2009/10.


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