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    Come out, come out...

    Where are you little global warming believers? Is it Suzuki church day today?

    Forecast for the calgary & airdrie area is for -2 the next couple of nights. It is the end of May if my calendar is correct. All those tiny little canola plants that did get in the ground are going to be in trouble now.

    It doesn't feel like it has been spring yet even though the grass is now green and very wet.

    Mother nature can sure be a beach.

    Do you think all those volcano eruptions have clouded the sky enough to cool our part of the world? Man made climate change, yes maybe to a degree, but those eruptions screw things up quicker than all the autos on the planet.

    And you are right, mother nature is a bitch. Even a man eventually lets go of his anger. This bitch has issues.


      Mother nature seems to be bitch slapping us all right now.


        Life's a Bitch, Death is her Sister. Yous choose.......


          I'm not a faitful follower but...

          The global warming concept is more than temperature change. The biggest component is irregular weather patterns.

          And that is exactly what the world is experiencing


            It seems that the jet stream or storm tracks get stuck in the same spot for weeks on end. As last year a huge cold high in the north keeps jet stream in one area. The COLD is the problem.
            We had that last year, 5 huge rain events from May to Oct. All 3 day rain events, normally only one per year.


              Umm, the original money grabbing attempt was because mankind was causing the world to heat up and we were going to have a flood due to the melting glaciers and ice caps.

              When that didn't seem to follow the script too well they changed to massive volatility which could include global cooling or cold snaps.

              That seems reasonable to you?

              Not me.


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