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Osama Bin Laden

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    Osama Bin Laden

    Do yous ACTUALLY believe Bin Laden was killed and then tossed overboard into Thee Ocean to swim wit the Great Whites??? Osama IS NOT EVEN WANTED FER THE 9/11 ATTACKS ON THE FBI WANTED LIST. Why not? It has been pounded into yer tiny little pee Brains fer years that he was responsible fer the Attacks. Come on People, Time To Wake Up to The Facts staring yous right in The Face.....

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpBPVkpmoeg - Exclusive: 'Bin Laden Dead' Hoax Exposed

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSyqIPXBMj0 - Police State Gone Wild

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NO24XmP1c5E - Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined Full Length

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9FQv2TS3dY&feature=player_embedded -Ignorant Public Cheers Bin Laden Death Outside White House - Look at all the Sheeple - PATHETIC


    And I suppose you think the moon walk was a hoax... Elvis is still alive... and PM Harper was not born is Canada!


      it must have been a quick trial.
      judge, jury and executioner.


        Tommie4, gist goes to show how ignorant you truly are........


          Shot first and ask questions later. Bin
          is dead sos he can't answer questions
          about his part in the attack on america.
          The bogey man is gone, and dumped at sea.
          Probably deserves what he got, or so says
          the Americkins. We can now continue to
          arm ourselves to the teeth in peace. No
          morea being scared of our own shadows.
          Whos next, well the beaners would be good
          targets wouldn't they?


            Burb, put away the sockpuppet already.

            And cut the troofer BS, nobody is buying it.


              http://www.lewrockwell.com/blog/lewrw/archives/87246.html - Snuff Film Premier in the ‘Situation Room’

              Look at this picture & please tell me yous ain't believe this. Humanity is doomed if'n yous do.......


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