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Conservative MAJORITY

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    Congratulations to Harper Interesting time ahead...


      The Liberals had to go basically because they became too close ideologically to the Conservatives. Too much of their platforms overlapped so something had to give. Leftist Liberals bolted to the NDP; "blue" Liberals went to the Tories. What is left of the Liberal party will be deluding themselves if they think merely having a new leader can change all that.

      As for the NDP, it will be very interesting to see how Jack manages (or should I say, "massages") his Quebec caucus (the puns just won't go away!).

      The Ottawa barmaid who can barely speak French and who has apparently never even visited the riding of Trois-Rivieres will now be its MP. She won't be the only "accidental" NDP MP in the house who has zero political experience and difficulty with french. It could turn out to be quite the circus as Quebec voters wake up and wonder what the hell they did last night.


        Agree, God Bless Canada. We just might get a two party system after all!

        Hoping for good government.

        At least optional CWB, NO long gun registry, NO CBC funding, NO $$ to political parties, better judges in the supreme court, less human rights funding, etc, etc.

        Will be a huge change in Ottawa, no bloc, few liberals.


          Good post liberty, I laughed.

          Quebec follies, couldn't happen to a nicer


            Agreed good post Liberty.

            Quebec is going to have a little morning after hangover.


              Now Harper has chance to remove Canada’s sovereignty and replace with North American Union, well now he has power to that with majority seat, I has hear that plan too. Here link is http://presscore.ca/2011/?p=2250
              and be aware of this change coming when he has chance. He is traiter and liar, like I said, intersting time ahead..
              Now I feel shame of myself..


                GreenValley WTF. Did you get probed by a alien to.
                I have one question the NDP Candidate who was in Vegas during the election was she a stripper that Jack Hired to join his special team. HAHAHAHAHAH


                  Didn't vote of anyone. I hopefully this article is false, but heard it was started by Paul Martin during he was Prime Minster and that time he was afraid and minority government. Interesting note, see Harper pin in his jacket and Obama pin in his jacket making sense. Also in evening of Sunday the day announce of Bin Laden is dead. Harper and Obama same quote saying Bin Laden is murder and terriost. Also back in Feb 2011 Harper was visiting Obama talking about border. I like to know what they talking about but it is secret. Sound like Union was plan. I am wild guessing.


                    Greenvalley yer right, SuperSask is wrong AGAIN. SuperSask keep yer head in the sand where it belongs. This Movement right here is the only one movin, if yous git in the way, we ain't only leavin bruises. Like the Mafia way we makin hits out here......

                    http://www.spp-psp.gc.ca/eic/site/spp-psp.nsf/eng/home - Security & Prosperity Partnership of North America

                    US site used to be spp.gov, but now does not exist, wonder why???

                    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3E4s4JTzsY&feature=related - Lou Dobbs - North American Union Exposed

                    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgGEv-cdoms - Lou Dobbs - North American Union

                    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rdwsy0IWlb8&feature=related - Truth Be Tolled - NAFTA Super Highway


                      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CuhDQ7yFlw - Globalists begin breakup of The United States

                      Exposes how the Baja Arizona movement to split into a 51st state is just another step in an ongoing globalist scheme to combine Mexico with the United States and Canada under a North American Union. The foundation funded movement will also further balkanize the region, making it easier to control through division.


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